Page 54 - The Cormorant Issue 14
P. 54

  Getting stuck in at the football match
but good humoured and provided a great ice-breaker with mini- mal bruising. This was followed by plentiful beers and a ‘grillen’ (BBQ) where all were presented with a commemorative mug, each individually named. In an example of German efficiency this included named mugs for Ben and Ruth who had only joined the group three working days previously. By the following morning, an Australian flag had also joined the other nation’s flags in the foyer of the Akadamie.
At the weekend our hosts had helpfully arranged for Hamburg Port to have its 822nd birthday celebrations, the Hamburger Hafengeburtstag. Following a very extensive coach tour of Ham- burg where no details of the history of the great city were left out (including some interesting statistics on the infamous Reeper- bahn), we were dropped off in the port next to a beer and brat- wurst stand to join the rest of the crowds watching the impres- sive array of ships arriving for the Hafengeburtstag. Despite the considerate efforts of our hosts to ensure that we had a relaxing and cultural weekend, the JSCSC had also helpfully arranged that the MA students had a 3 hour handwritten examination the morning after we returned to the UK. Thus the temptations of Hamburg and the opportunity to socialise and network with our NATO colleagues had to be eschewed for study groups and MA examination revision.
Following the weekend, planning continued under the excellent tutelage of the college Directing Staff and Senior Mentors. The GOP has a number of similarities to the UK 6 Step estimate; thus, we soon came to understand the process and Courses of
A JOPG briefing to Senior Mentor, Lt Gen Reichmann
Action (COAs) were developed that culminated in a final, formal briefing to the Senior Mentor and his staff.
The social programme also continued with a formal dinner on the Monday evening that concluded with a superb flame-lit, musical serenade by the Marinemusikkorps Ostsee (the Maritime Music Corps of the Baltic Sea), in the gardens of the Officers’ Mess. Playing tunes that characterised each participating country, for the UK the band played the James Bond theme in celebration of ‘that most dashing of Royal Navy Officers’.
The morning of the final day saw the closing ceremony and exer- cise de-brief. After this, the Akadamie graciously served a glass or two of champagne, whilst we bid our hosts and colleagues from other nations ‘Auf Wiedersehen’ and headed off to the air- port to pack in a final revision session prior to the MA examina- tion the following day.
CJEX in Hamburg proved to be a very well-run and profession- ally rewarding exercise, which provided a good insight into the complexities of planning in a multi-national environment. Firm and lasting professional bonds were made with NATO col- leagues and a deeper understanding gained of their national perspectives. The FüAkBw is an excellent facility, the staff were very welcoming, and went to great efforts to organise both an excellent CJEX and social program. In addition, with Blankensee on its doorstep and Hamburg only a short metro ride away, the FüAkBw is a great venue for future CJEXs.
The JSCSC CJEX contingent with a bust of von Clausewitz

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