Page 64 - The Cormorant Issue 14
P. 64
A repeat fixture took place in May 2011. This time, the Inter- nationals turned out in strength, determined to demonstrate in particular that Europeans can play cricket. They were proved wrong. A resounding win for Britain followed as the International team were set a total in excess of 160 to win. It was always going to be a challenge and after some fierce opening bowl- ing from Wing Commander Alex South and Lieutenant Com-
mander Mike Thompson, the Internationals capitulated. Even the appearance of Major Mudasser Raza could not save them!
These were two games of cricket played in exactly the right spirit. We shared a common love of sport with the greatest camarade- rie and friendship on offer at the College.
Defence Academy Hockey Club 2010–11
By Sqn Ldr Lucy Newcombe
The Defence Academy Hockey Club has had its ups and downs this season, but the high point was definitely the 7-4 thriller ver- sus 6 Bn REME in April. The match doubled up as a league and cup game, due to previous scheduling difficulties, in which both sides were well-balanced; it was a fast-paced game with a big midfield battle. Fortunately, after several games without a goal, centre forward Maj Simon Everard brought out his scoring stick and put away a couple of spectacular goals. Full-time saw a 4-4 score line and thus extra time was needed to decide which team should progress to the semi-final of the cup. Against a younger, fitter-looking side, the Defence Academy ‘veterans’ showed their mettle and scored 3 quick goals to seal their best win of the sea- son, aided by some fairly kamikaze goalkeeping by Cdr Henry Mitchell to keep out a demoralised opposition.
A few losses at the beginning of the season meant that the Defence Academy side were not in contention for the league title; however, their run to the semi-final of the 4 Div Cup was excel- lent. Unfortunately, their opponents in the semi-final were HQ Land Forces, who were the Academy’s nemesis team this sea- son: they played one another on 4 occasions, with the Academy recording one draw and three losses. Nonetheless, the quality of the matches kept on improving with the Academy side playing well to contain a team consisting of three senior Army players, including one former Welsh international nicknamed “Ice”.
Despite mixed results, the team improved throughout the sea- son, particularly after suffering the loss of two captains before the end of 2010 (Lt Ben Kadinopoulos RN to long term injuries and Maj Damian Flanagan to a severely broken leg after care- lessly falling off a Scottish mountain during the Christmas break). Needless to say, there was trepidation for the next incumbent of the role but fortunately she was made of stronger stuff!
The final match of the season was an in-house event between ACSC 14 and ICSC(L) 7B, with a couple of ringers from the rest of the Academy on both sides. It was a tough game and ISCS(L) came out the worthy winners 6-1, with a consolation goal from Maj Charlie Howard-Higgins for ACSC on his hockey debut.
The end-of-season awards evening was held at The Royal Oak, Bishopstone. Therese De Castro, one of two trainee patholo- gists on the team, was awarded the Most Improved Player and Sqn Ldr Gareth Mount won the Player of the Season award for his sterling efforts leading the defensive line. The Victor Meldrew Award for the most “I don’t believe it” moments of the season was easily won by Maj Simon Everard for his (lack of) skill in front of goal.
Overall the 2010/11 season can be recorded as moderately suc- cessful on the pitch but with some good times off it.