Page 29 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
P. 29

Ex TEMPLER’S TRIUMPH is an iconic week for every OCdt who passes through Sand- hurst. The aim of the exercise phase is to
test officer cadets’ ability to operate in a contem- porary operating environment as part of stabili- sation and counter-insurgency operations. The exercise is split into two halves. For the first half, one company performs the role of a NATO task force posted in an unstable region with a sub- stantial insurgent threat. Concurrently, the other company is in role as the local civilian population in the neighbouring town. The civilian population phase is primarily to enable training for the exer- cising troops; however, it provides a fascinating insight into the complexities of a realistic human terrain situation. The companies then switch roles for the second half of the exercise.
The scenario for each company when acting as the NATO presence is different. The second scenario is set in the same area but 6 months later. In each scenario the security forces are tasked to work with the local population in order to stabilise the area, neutralise the insur- gent threat and de-escalate any tensions that arise within the town. Tensions do however rise in the urban environment due to events occur- ring within the scenario. This results in a series of public order serials, beginning with a patrol being aggressively confronted and climaxing with the whole town rioting. Resultantly, security forces prepare for and conduct the renowned public order serial, donning full riot gear and marching towards the protesters as projectiles and petrol bombs are thrown their way. This is the ultimate test for commanders as they strive to maintain command and control of their own forces in the midst of aggressive, hard-core riot-
ers. Every OCdt must demonstrate an ability to match the rioters’ aggression but still maintain a clear-thinking space. A challenging task when your rival company is doing its utmost to disrupt your advance through the rioters.
Whilst our time as the local population was a huge amount of fun delving into our allocated roles within the community, it also provided us with an important learning platform that allowed us to observe the other company and discuss their strengths and weaknesses in the face of a demanding and complex situation. This was a hugely beneficial experience as we were able to analyse and learn from their actions with the support of our company staff. It also gave us an insight into how exercises such as these are run, something we may be organising in the not-too- distant future. For some it was a rather more tax- ing experience, as Mr Scrope found in his role as the town tramp.
Ex TEMPLER’S TRIUMPH is an integral part of the Commissioning Course as it provides a unique opportunity for officer cadets to partici- pate in public order training and requires every cadet to demonstrate a level of controlled aggression. The exercise also demands a com- plex analysis of human terrain and provides the opportunity for cadets to participate at the com- pany level, most notably in the running of an ops room. The culmination of the Commissioning Course will be Ex DYNAMIC VICTORY where cadets will integrate what they have learnt on Ex TEMPLER’S TRIUMPH alongside the more con- ventional offensive actions from both the Junior and Intermediate Terms.

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