Page 48 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
P. 48
On Thursday 23rd July, Lucknow Pla- toon held a social to say goodbye and thank you to the Platoon Com-
mander, Captain Ruston PARA, before he moved on from RMAS to his next posting. The evening consisted of a barbecue fol- lowed by a talent show.
The talent show was a great success. Organised and hosted by OCdt Diamond, the performances varied from singing, playing instruments and dancing to gym- nastics, poetry, and comedy. Every mem- ber of the Platoon was involved in the entertainment and it was wonderful to see everyone put in so much effort. The acts
were judged by Captain Ruston PARA, Captain Curtis RAMC and Fr. Smith CF. The winning act of the evening was Officer Cadet Dalton’s magic show, which was a sight to behold.
The evening was a welcome change in pace for the Platoon and was a nice way to welcome new members, as well as say farewell to those going back to join the regular Commissioning Course. The evening was very kindly sponsored by The Sandhurst Trust, and Lucknow Platoon is extremely grateful for their support.
Summer Barbeque
On Thursday 15th October, Lucknow Platoon held a Dinner Night in the Indian Army Memorial Room, Old
It was a great evening in which the Platoon hosted the Old College Commander, Lieu- tenant Colonel Crawford RA and the Old College Adjutant Captain Gregory KRH. The Platoon Staff were also in attendance including our departing Exercise Rehabilita- tion Instructor (ERI), Staff Sergeant Spence, who has moved on to her new posting in Aldershot. It was a good opportunity for the Platoon to say goodbye and thank her for all her hard work with us during her time at RMAS.
The dress code for the evening was black tie, which meant the dinner was a good
OCdt Sumner
opportunity to get dressed up and made a nice change from uniform. Given the Covid pandemic, dinner nights at the Academy were not possible in the summer term and it was therefore nice to return to some normality. Although due to social distanc- ing measures, it was not possible for the staff and OCdts to share the same table as would normally happen, OCdts were able to dine together as a Platoon family, and for some this was their first experience of such an occasion here at the Academy. However, despite the changes, the evening ran very well, and the Platoon is very grate- ful to the Old College catering staff for the delicious food and service they provided. The evening was very kindly sponsored by The Sandhurst Trust and Lucknow Platoon is extremely appreciative for their ongoing support.
Lucknow Dinner Night