Page 73 - The Wish Stream Year of 2020 Crest
P. 73
tions, with ‘so what does that mean’ being a regular challenge to many an ambitious assump- tion. Presentations ranging from the Yom Kippur War of 1973 to comparisons of CEOs and mili- tary leaders sparked vigorous intellectual debate amongst the platoon.
In week five, Slim’s Company swapped their MTP for mountain bikes and walking boots. Pembroke Dock was their temporary home as they took part in adventurous training. While being a welcome break from the course, AT simultaneously furthered the POs leadership in testing environments and ability to come to grips with new arduous pursuits. The Summer Moun- tain Foundation group learnt micronavigation in a series of walks in the Castlemar-
and that finally we needed to pack our Bergans for a night in the field. After a frantic 30 minutes, the platoon was ready to deploy but to no avail; instead of leaving, a planning exercise awaited. After two hours, the platoon was finally ready to get their Bergans on and moved out. After setting up bashas and getting into routine, the platoon rested for 2 hours before they were woken up and were then back into Old College for a planning exer- cise. After many questionable plans were made, the platoon settled into the Kendall Room to watch an episode of Black
Mirror for an essay question.
So as the course draws to a close, the transfor- mation of every member in the platoon is quite evident. Be it public speaking, fitness or analyti- cal ability, there has not been one individual that has not benefitted from the investment placed into them from the staff. None of this could have been achieved without CSgt Grant, SSgt Brun- ton or Capt Rampton. With the anxious wait for results looming over us, the platoon is extremely
grateful for this course and are cer- tain that whatever happens this experience will have lasting effects on the whole platoon, and that, come what may, we have turned our defeats into victory.
tin area, culminating in a two-day
expedition in the Brecon Bea-
cons. The highlight for SMF was
camping on the banks of Llyn-y-
Fan Fawr, taking in the stunning
mountain views. Mountain Bike
Foundation learnt how to negoti-
ate arduous routes and emerge
mostly unscathed. MBF platoon
members have fond memories
of the culmination of the course,
cycling the Afan valley with absolute confidence.
Once AT was complete, the platoon had a week of development undertaken by visiting individu- als. Firstly, the POs had the privilege of public speaking tuition by Mrs Lou Nanson. Improvisa- tion and singing pushed each member of the pla- toon firmly out of their comfort zone. An excep- tionally thought-provoking talk was delivered by Sergeant Rutledge of the Welsh Guards. ‘Defeat Don’t Repeat’ struck the platoon with its brutal honesty and mesmerising personal journey.
The highlight for SMF was camping on the banks of Llyn-y-Fan Fawr, taking in the stunning mountain views
Slim’s Company took every chal-
lenge sent their way in their stride
as the course entered its conclud-
ing stages. This article would not
be complete without mention of
the so called ‘sleep deprivation
exercise’. Part of Slim’s Company
mythology passed from the old
and bold of the LDC in Juniors
to the unaware current POs. This
two-day period of weird and wonderful tasking took place without the luxury of sleep. It began with a hard battle PT session, then confusion began to set in as the platoon was told to prepare for several debate questions, a planning exercise
An exceptionally thought-provoking talk was delivered by Sergeant Rutledge of the Welsh Guards