Page 22 - ALG Issue 3 2024
P. 22

                                CREATIVE PLOTTERS
 Making Wreaths, Sculptures and Friends in Cleethorpes
Two plotholders from Lincolnshire have been getting very creative using greenery from their allotment site.
Back in November 2022, Nicky Dillerstone and Anita Dixon, from Cleethorpes Beacon Hill Allotments ran their first Christmas wreath making workshop. It was a sharing event with everyone encouraged to bring in their own starter wreath and greenery. The event went so well that they have
run quarterly seasonal wreath making workshops ever since.
The majority of the materials used
in the workshops are foraged; they are lucky to have a great range of greenery on the allotment site including eucalyptus, cotoneaster, pyracantha, hydrangea heads,
holly, grasses, rosemary and more.
There is a strong community emphasis
on the events, with the focus on sharing materials, ideas and chat.They knew that many plotholders only met their immediate neighbours and it was a great way to encourage plotholders to get to know each other.
One idea leads to another...
As can so often happen, one idea leads to another. After Anita was inspired by a floral sculpture, the pair diversified into using foliage sculptures.
  “The majority of the materials used in the workshops are foraged; they are lucky to have a great range of greenery on the allotment”
22 | Issue 3 2024 | Allotment and Leisure Gardener
Their most recent project was a
5-foot floral sculpture of a female form, supported by a strong chicken wire frame made by Anita’s partner.The project was trial and error but with the help of other plotholders, they created a huge, richly textured sculpture to be proud of.The sculpture is a continual work in progress
- they plan to adapt her to celebrate key events such as the solstice and Easter, and to use the sculpture as a feature at their annual open day.
It seems it is not just fellow plotholders enjoying their handiwork, as they have discovered wildlife living on it and like to think it has become a desirable high-rise home for insects!

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