Page 31 - ALG Issue 3 2024
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   without using harmful chemicals.
If you are a member of an allotment or
garden association or group, please can you circulate this article and request to your members, as we would like to include as many pesticide-free solutions as possible. All contributions will be anonymous in the guide.
References 1. Ceballas, Gerardo et al (2017) “Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signalled by vertebrate population losses and declines.”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,Vol 114, pp 89-96. 2. UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (2023) “Agricultural Pesticide Consumption Worldwide 1990-2023”, pubs FAOSTAT. Rome. 3. Nicholls, Elizabeth, Ely, Adrian, Birkin, Linda, Basu, Parthiba and Goulson, Dave (2020).The contribution of small-scale food production in urban areas to the sustainable development goals: a review and case study. Sustainability Science, 15. pp. 1585-1599.
 For more information please go to the Pesticide – Free Bradley Initiative on the Green Futures website: www.greenfutures-new-
or email us direct at info@greenfu-
Pollinator Monitoring Work at Bradley Field Allotments, Newton Abbot
  Global Agricultural Pesticide Production 1990 – 2021 (UN FAO)
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  Allotment and Leisure Gardener | Issue 3 2024 | 31

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