Page 33 - RAVC Centenary Parade
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The Canine Training Squadron (CTS) is the largest Squadron within the Defence Animal Training Regiment (DATR) and employs 50 Army personnel and 20 RAF Police personnel, producing highly trained Military Working Dogs (MWD) and handlers for organisations across Defence. The Military team are supported by a team of Civil Servants that help in both the instruction of handlers and the maintenance and care of MWD.
2 0 1 6 s a w C T S t r a i n 41 7 M W D s a n d 4 0 0 + handlers and students for a variety of roles stretching from operations in the UK to deployment overseas. The MWDs trained
at CTS fall under either the PROTECT or DE TECT classifications.
The PROTECT classification will be a breed and size selected to deter intrusion. Typically these will be the German Shepherd Dog or Belgian Malinois. Its primary role is to detect personnel in an area and indicate their presence to the handler. If necessary and authorised to release, it will chase and apprehend, biting and holding the person until commanded to leave by the handler. For an intruder this is an extremely unpleasant experience and one mistake they will not wish to repeat in a hurry. During training dogs love this part of their job although the same may not be said of being on the receiving end, despite wearing issued Personal Protective Equipment. Having a
MWD latch on to part of your

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