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                of a new Army Reserve Squadron in early 2015. 101 Military Working Dog Squadron is a Reserve element with a difference, as it recruits dedicated and committed individuals who have an interest in working w i t h d o g s . I t c o n s i s t s o f o v e r 1 12 R e s e r v e personnel, comprising mainly dog handlers, vets, and veterinary technicians, who can support their Regular counterparts on operations, particularly in the UK.
101 MWD Sqns Reservists’ dog handlers have their profession, ranging from prison officers, telecoms technicians, teachers, a nurses, train drive,r custody office,r police officers, retail assistants, dog handler to kennel assistants in their civilian day job. No specific knowledge is needed to be a Reservist dog handler and only a real desire
to work with dogs in all types of situation is required.
On completion of basic military training Reservists’ are trained as Protection Military Working Dog Handlers on a 16 day residential course at the Defence Animal Training Regiment in Melton Mowbray. Here they are taught how to care for dogs in different situations as well as husbandry, kennel management, veterinary care, continuation training for Army dogs and how to handle the dogs on operations. The main role for Reservist veterinary officers and veterinary nurses is to help maintain the health of the Regiments busy working dogs.
           Proud to have helped
Melton Mowbray become a Pet Friendly Town
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