Page 12 - Mercian Eagle Year of 2020
P. 12
3 Platoon
Company Overview:
Pl Comd: 2Lt Alistair Wass Pl Sgt: Sgt Gary McCuaig Wr Sgt: Sgt Phil Evans
3 Platoon began 2020 looking to continue and build on what they had achieved on
Op CABRIT. In January the focus was
on urban training and the platoon utilised the inflatable wall training system to their advantage, building from basics to complex room clearances. The use of simunition also added significant value to this training and has been a theme throughout the year.
3 Platoon deployed on Ex ARES GRENADIER in Swynnerton where they incorporated their accomplished urban drills, with recce and patrol actions. This training was led by Cpl Dorney and was a significant step up in difficulty to previous training that year.
combined with 6 Platoon in B ‘Malta’ Coy in the creation of virtual section attacks, providing interactive online lessons. This training was promoted by British Army Innovation and The Land Warfare Centre.
Essential work continued with 3 Platoon taking part in Armed Police Integration training preparing them for 1 MERCIAN’s commitment to Op TEMPERER, with soldiers at readiness for United Kingdom Standby Battalion throughout spring and summer. Soldiers returned for essential ranges and armoured infantry courses, culminating in Annual Crew Tests and Initial Gunners Tests at Castlemartin in July.
In September, 3 Platoon returned from summer stand down facing an interesting and diverse three weeks beginning with Ex ATHENA GRENADIER on Salisbury Plain. This exercise set the standard for the approach to instruction for the rest
of the year, with LCpls heavily lent upon to deliver lessons and tactical actions.
LCpl Keeling leads a patrol back into the FOB on Ex ALGEA GRENADIER, September 20
Pte Coltman-Minton escorts a Captured Persons on Ex ALGEA GRENADIER, September 20
The package culminated in Ex CHAOS GRENADIER, the Fan Dance, where
3 Platoon proudly earned their Grenadier Flashes. They demonstrated, yet again, their grit and determination as the only platoon to finish with all who began. Setting 3 Platoon well for an interesting and varied 2021.
The forecast of events radically changed following the onset of COVID-19 and
3 Platoon quickly
shifted focus from
preparing for BATUS
to remote training.
3 Platoon demonstrated
impressive commitment
and discipline with
their approach. PT was
conducted using Strava
and 3 Platoon were
consistently topping
the leaderboard and
had the strongest
participation in the half-marathons that took place remotely at Company level.
Pte Woods produced the fastest time in 1h 28mins. 3 Platoon conducted remote war gaming, with Cpl Chambers and Cpl Dorney taking virtual command. Soldiers contributed to their decision making and saw the consequences in real-time which provided engaging training. 3 Platoon also
Ex NYX GRENADIER followed in a completely new setting at MOD Corsham Mines. Having never operated in a tunnel environment, platoons were encouraged
to develop and trial tactics. 3 Platoon spent time developing ideas around sub-surface command, control and
communications. The final exercise of this cycle, Ex ALGEA GRENADIER in Caerwent, saw 3 Platoon demonstrating both
tactical ability and agility within a complex geographical and human environment. Cpl Wood and LCpl Wallace were instrumental in 3 Platoon’s outstanding performance.
In November, 3 Platoon took part in Company live firing in Sennybridge.
Soldiers contributed to their decision making and saw the consequences in real-time which provided engaging training
3 Platoon reaching the top of Pen Y Fan, Ex CHAOS GRENADIER, November 20