Page 5 - Out Birding Autumn 2023
P. 5

RSPB Rye Meads 08/04/2023
A gorgeous sunny day saw seven of us mee􏰀ng at Rye Meads reserve in Her􏰁ordshire. As well as being lucky with the weather, we were also spared the poten􏰀al crowds the Easter weekend might have brought, and enjoyed a really relaxed stroll around the reserve... with the addi􏰀on of a few quizzes as we went. We were pre􏰂y lucky with the birds too. Over the course of the day we saw and/or heard at least 44 species. For the warblers, Chiffchaff seemed to be calling at every corner, and we had good views of more than one of the birds we heard. Surprisingly the only Blackcap was one heard by a couple of us on the walk from the train sta􏰀on. On the other hand we did have probably the best views ever of Ce􏰃's Warbler! Not far into our wander around the reserve we spo􏰂ed a bird flicking its tail and moving around in the very specific way they do. It stayed in full view for at least five minutes, first in a tree, then a bramble clump... all the 􏰀me very animated, and not at all bothered by us. Fantas􏰀c! Our final and fourth warbler of the day was the short song of a Sedge Warbler which some of us heard from the reedbed, though he was more elusive.
Waders were maybe next on our mind when we stopped at the first hide. We were greeted by a ruckus of Black-headed Gulls, mostly direc􏰀ng their energies at each other, though a few also tried to take their argument up with a fishing Li􏰂le Egret. Among the gulls and dozing ducks, we tuned into a trio of Li􏰂le Ringed Plover. They were fun to find amongst the mud and stones. We didn't quite work out the arrange- ment between the three but enjoyed watching them. While at this first hide we also spo􏰂ed a couple of Lapwing... and at the next hide, a single Green Sandpiper, as it waded delicately in the shallows. We caught up some addi􏰀onal ducks here and on the walk between, including a couple of Shelduck.
The star species at this reserve is the Kingfisher, and we were not disappointed. From one of the hides in the centre of the reserve, we had some surprise views of one perched amongst branches - it sat for quite a while, though mostly a bright blue streak amongst leaves, moving its perch occasionally to our excitement, and with the effect of revealing and/or obscuring a bit more of itself. Not too long a􏰄er, we made our way up to the recently rebuilt hide overlooking the bank they nest in, and we hadn't been there long before the Kingfisher arrived there to sit in full view on the s􏰀ck perches.
Other birds included 4 species of raptor in the clear skies: Red Kite, Buzzard , Sparrowhawk and Kestrel. A very heard but not seen Green Woodpecker. And the understated beauty of Stock Doves.
We also saw several species of bu􏰂erfly, including Brimstone, Peacock and Orange Tip, and spo􏰂ed a Muntjac deer amongst vegeta􏰀on on the edge of one of the lakes.
Thanks again to all who came and made it the lovely day that it was. Eirwen

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