Page 4 - 1994 Mountaineering Club Review
P. 4

RN & RMMC Club Meets 1995
Winter Meet (Scotland)
Ben Nevis
Peak District
Wve Valiev
Baggy Point
AGM Snowdonia
06 - 12 Feb 95
05 -10 Mar 95
28 Apr -1 May 95
27 - 29 May 95
16- 18 Jun 95
14 -16Ju 1 95
Jul/Aug 95 tbc
25 - 28 Aug 95
06 - 08 Oct 95
Lt Cdr Jane Grimley Faslane ext 3592
Lt Cdr Neil Hicking Gannet ext 4309
Lt Dave Mackie Portsdown ext 3548 (BT: 0705 333548)
S/Lt Dave Barrett DAEDALUS ext 4105
POPT Billy Bremner JSMTC (W)
Morfa Camp TYWYN
Lt Tim Reynolds BRNC ext 7163 (BT: 0803 837163)
Lt Cdr Steve Jackson Portsmouth ext 41884 (Details to be pub­ lished by DCI)
AB(D) Kevin AMAIRA Devonport ext 65386
Lt Cdr Dave Ward Foxhill ext 83769
Treasurer's Report - October 1994
The overall wealth of the club has increased by over £450 in costs of producing the Annual Review, and the Committee has the last year to total £9435. The in-year balance of income decided to request an increased grant from DNPTS for and expenditure also reflects an encouraging trend althoughExpedition Support.
there is a potential problem for the future which requires man­ aging. Last year the Club was £700 overspent, but this year has seen a substantial increase in subscription income of £700 wiping out that deficit. The addition of other items results in a surplus of Income over Expenditure of £239 for 1993/4.
The potential problem lies in the fact that the Club contributed only £2200 on grants to expeditions out of a planned total provi­ sion of £3000. If the full £3000 had been granted expenditure would have exceeded income by £560. To avoid shortfalls in 1994/5 the Bulletin Editor will endeavour to reduce the spiralling
Finally a plea: Those Members paying by Direct Debit please keep the Treasurer informed of any changes in their banking details - a quick note would be much appreciated. Also, those who find they have overpaid subscriptions by both Direct Debit(DD) and the old Standing Order (SO) please instruct your Bank to cancel the SO - the Treasurer does not have the authority to do this and returning money is a chore that can be avoided.
H R BUCHANAN Honorary Treasurer

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