Page 42 - Oundle Life November 2023
P. 42

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A simple, fast but oh so tasty way of serving a selection of fruits, they take on the flavour of the seasonal spices and are delicious served with ice cream, cream or custard. A piece of shortbread could be the best accompaniment. Serves 4.
Damsons Pineapple chunks Blueberries Apricot halves Cherries Raspberries Strawberries Runny honey 25g(1 oz) butter Cinnamon sticks Three star anise
1. Place a selection of fruit in the Delamere Spode Rural for AGA Baking Tray. This depends on what you have to hand – the following are suggestions; plum halves, few damsons, chunks of pineapple, blueberries, apricot halves, apples, cherries, raspberries, strawberries.
2. Drizzle with runny honey and dot with 25g (1oz) butter. Tuck a couple of cinnamon sticks and 3 star anise into the fruit.
3. Slide the baking tray onto the third set of runners down in the roasting oven and cook for about 10 minutes until the fruits are heated through, the juices are running and beginning to soften.
Recipe from: Aga Living

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