Page 18 - Oundle Life January 2021
P. 18

                                  ON YOUR
Get pedalling Oundle
Cycling has many advantages; it can replace short car journeys, eases congestion and benefits the environment; it’s also good for your pocket, your physical and mental health and, thanks to a recent initiative led by the Oundle Business Association, it is easy to park your bike outside your in-town destination.
Get the cycling bug and it will stay with you for life.
Transition Oundle (voluntary environmental organisation), in partnership with Oundle Town Council, Northamptonshire Highways and cycling charity, Sustrans, has drawn up plans for ‘Oundle Bikeways’, a network of cycle lanes around the town. The bikeways have been designed with three core groups in mind: families with young children, inexperienced cyclists and mobility scooter users. Work on Bikeway 1, connecting the housing around Creed Road with the Primary School, is about to commence. Bikeways 2 and 3 will follow.

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