Page 103 - Mercian Eagle 2016
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                                second again. Never mind, there is always next year.
The highlight of the summer took place on 1st July, to coincide with the Centenary of the start of the Battle of the Somme. Members of Halton Branch gave a presentation telling the story of
the Salford Pals. As well as the Mayor of Halton, our local MP, Derek Twigg and 100 schoolchildren attended. The presentation was compiled and written by our Branch Secretary and acted out by myself, Chris Roach and my grandson Lucas Dockerty,
who played a 14 year old who joined the army.
On 25th September, members of the Branch attended the unveiling of the commemorative paving stone for Pte “Todger” Jones VC at The Todger Jones Memorial Garden.
Our Branch Christmas Dinner was a held at the Royal Oak, on the evening of Tuesday 8th December and seemed to be enjoyed by everyone.
Nantwich and District Branch Ray Stafford
In common with many other Branches of the Cheshire Regiment Association, we took a full part in the East Cheshire Reunion at The Armoury in Stockport, which is always a most enjoyable event. We also paraded
at the Remembrance Sunday services in Crewe and later in Nantwich and as we always do, the service at the airman’s grave situated to the rear of Shrewbridge Road in Nantwich.
Southern Region George Szwejkowski
The autumn has seen the usual flurry of events. Some of us made the journey up
to Stockport in order to support the East Cheshire Reunion. It was so sad that, due to health reasons, John Ferns was unable to take his place as Presiding Officer. Let us hope that he will be able to do so next year. On Thursday 5th November we attended the Field of Remembrance in the grounds of Westminster Abbey. Brigadier Keith Prosser presented the regimental plot to HRH the Duke of Edinburgh and his apprentice, HRH Prince Henry.
Saturday 7th November found us at the Tower of London, enjoying a guided tour of the grounds and watching the Ceremony of the Keys. Members also enjoyed the warm embrace of the Yeoman Warders’ Mess. Thank you Dickie Dover once again.
Remembrance Sunday saw us parading on Horse Guards then onto Whitehall, before marching past the Cenotaph. As always, we all enjoyed a great lunch in the Chandos Public House afterwards.
Our Meeanee Ladies Dinner was held on 5th March in Browns of Covent Garden. We are grateful to all those who attended, particularly John Elms who travelled
from Yorkshire and Mark and Ellie Banks who travelled from Wolverhampton. To
 Stockport Branch Gordon H Smith
A busy autumn started with the Mons
Day Parade in Chester where although numbers were down, we still managed to show the local populace we were not to
be forgotten. The service being held in the Memorial Garden made a pleasant change and thankfully the weather was kind. The 2nd Battalion of The Mercian Regiment did us proud with a full Parade. This particular occasion always brings out the best in we old comrades. It always makes one proud to march through Chester to our Regimental March; it cannot help but put a swagger in one’s step. The hot dinner was well worth the effort with more than one helping being offered and enjoyed.
Next came our invitation to attend the annual Passchendaele Dinner with the Duke of Lancaster’s Regimental Association (Ashton Old Comrades). A thoroughly enjoyable evening with a four course meal with wine on the table, entertainment and dancing.
On to our East Cheshire Reunion, and once again a chance to catch up with old, and some not-so-old comrades. Great food, port for the Loyal Toast all made for a convivial evening.
Our annual St Julians Day Commemorations continue with Church Parade and Buffet later and are well attended with not only we old Comrades
Members of the Cheshire Regiment Association assembling for the Remembrance Service at The Cenotaph, London
commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of Edith Cavell and to show our appreciation for the assistance that she gave to the Cheshire Regiment after the Battle of Mons, we invited two nurses from
The Royal London Hospital to attend our dinner. It was a very agreeable evening and we must thank Trevor Taylor for pulling all the strings together.
but also a sprinkling of serving Mercian Regiment soldiers. It was here at the Armoury in Stockport that men of the 6th Battalion were attested, men coming from surrounding villages and the town itself
to “do their bit for King and Country” a hundred years ago. We are looking forward to our centenary pilgrimage in 2017 to be able to pay homage to these valiant men who were at the start of the 3rd Battle of Ypres, so many of whom paid the ultimate price on that fateful 31st of July.

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