Page 32 - Mercian Eagle 2016
P. 32

                                 We came, we saw, we...took a Company photo – A (Grenadier) Company on Ex ANAKONDA
may have been lurking and developed into a multinational Brigade attack which was hugely successful. We had the opportunity to work with a number of different nationalities and had an excellent time overall in Poland. We actually learned as much from the partner nations as I’m sure they learned from A (Grenadier) Company.
It was now pre-summer leave and
the Grenadiers were tired. Due to this,
Lt Russell organised a multi-activity AT package in Newquay before he rode off into the sunset (or as it better known – ITC Catterick). Having returned refreshed and reinvigorated, there was only one last bit
of business the Company had to take
care of before summer leave – The Earl of Chester competition. This annual inter- Company competition features a number of different physical challenges where points are awarded. The Company with
the most points after all events is crowned ‘Champion’ Company for the next 12 months. It was all to play for on the last event, a challenging race around the camp perimeter involving stretchers, tyres, military knowledge and individual best-effort boot runs. Of course, the Grenadiers outclassed the other Companies and were crowned ‘Champion’ Company.
Summer leave was well deserved and flew by all too quickly. Returning from leave the Company welcomed in a new OC
and two new Platoon Commanders. The learning curve was steep as the Company deployed straight to SENTA to conduct a live-firing package before heading to RAF St Mawgan to provide Force Protection to the ARRC on Ex ARRCADE CHARGER. However, the most important event post-summer leave was when the CO announced that A (Grenadier) ‘Champion’ Company would deploy with the 32 Engr Regt Task Force to South Sudan on Op TRENTON 3 (Jul-Dec 17). This news was welcomed by all the Company who are looking forward to the challenge and to making a difference in the world in 2017.
roots perspective and is well worth a read. After we had finished the exercise phase, most of the Company had some well- deserved adventurous training in Kenya. By far the most popular (and scary) activity was white-water rafting and I urge you to read all about it in the excellent article written by Cpl Ball.
this year it went down to the wire. After two days with little or no sleep and a number
of both mentally and physically demanding tasks, the honours went to Cpl Jennison whose Section was awarded the coveted Grenadier Flash by the OC.
However, the battalion still had to return the favour to 2 LANCS for the use of Chindit Company on its earlier Ex ASKARI
Whilst on readiness, we found that
we actually had
a little breathing
space and could
concentrate on some
in-depth Company
training. The most
beneficial of these
training events
was a week-long
navigational exercise
which the Company
conducted in Dartmoor. Cpl Jennison has written about it in detail but the main benefit we found from this training was that every soldier who attended a JNCO cadre or a Brecon career course absolutely nailed
all the navigation serials. I would urge others, where time permits to set aside
a week to conduct this type of training.
The Company, during this early part of the 2016 also conducted an in-depth OBUA training week at Caerwent and then held the annual Section competition at Warcop, known as the Cauldley Cup. A strong performance by all the Sections meant that
STORM. For this reason, A (Grenadier) Company found itself back in Kenya but broken down into
the three Platoons, back-filling each of
the Companies in 2 LANCS. Of course, the Platoons all performed to their usual exacting
standards and the exercise went without a hitch. The Company then redeployed with the bonus of having their training topped-up (as well as their sun tans!). This was timely as we were now warned off to deploy with the VJTF(L).
Unfortunately, it was an exercise we were deploying on and not a real operation. However, Ex ANAKONDA, a Brigade level exercise in Poland was undoubtedly a message to Russia from the NATO nations; we, as the UK contribution were a key part of that message. The exercise started with some time to blow-off any cobwebs that
 I would urge others, where time permits to set aside a week to conduct this type of training.
  A (Grenadier) Company, the Multinational Company!

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