Page 38 - Mercian Eagle 2016
P. 38

2IC CSM CQMS OC 4 Pl Pl Sgt OC 5 Pl Pl Sgt OC 6 Pl Pl Sgt
Maj Rob Agnew
Lt Ed Ireland
WO2 (CSM) Zecca CSgt (CQMS) Umney Lt Tom Yaxley
Sgt Cotterill GAPPED
Sgt Hodgkinson Lt Phil Price
Sgt Narakutabua
                                B (Malta) Company
Foreword – ‘The Bayonets’ Major R J Agnew
     It is my privilege to have taken
command of such a well reputed and professional Company and to have
followed in the footsteps of so many good men. Time has literally flown since taking command in September 2015 which in itself is an indication of how varied and how busy we have been during the last 12 months.
For the majority of the company, activity has centred on two major overseas exercises – Ex ASKARI STORM in Kenya and Ex ANAKONA in Poland as part of the Very High Readiness NATO Joint Task Force under the command of 7 (Espania) Brigade. Due to constraints imposed upon the Coy by the Army 2020 construct each platoon deployed under a separate command structure on both exercises. This created a real challenge to the Company’s esprit de corps, but in true ‘Bayonet’ style the boys performed outstandingly; displaying grit determination and professionalism in the field at all times.
In autumn 2015 elements of Company Headquarters WO2 (CSM) Giles, CSgt (CQMS) Hawkins and I were deployed on a Short Term Training Team to East Africa in order to deliver an urban warfare package to the Kenyan Armed Forces who were on their final stages of mission specific training for an imminent peace keeping mission
in East Africa. This in itself was a hugely rewarding experience that empowered the Kenyans to teach themselves effective counter insurgency (COIN) tactics techniques and procedures. Concurrently, and in support of the VJTF HQ, Capt Harrison (Coy 2IC) deployed to Spain
as an embedded Battle Captain located in Pontevedra for 4 months between September and December.
Between exercise deployments there has been time for some adventurous training: Nordic skiing; sky diving; scuba diving, kayaking and mountain-biking.
Away from the norm; the Section Commanders planned and delivered an excellent survival training package mentored by experts from 23 SAS. The package
Students conducting a ‘Stop and Search’ serial during a battle lesson
Maj R J Agnew, OC B (Malta) Coy
focused on teaching how to collect water, catch and kill food, build shelter and make fire; this took many out of their comfort zones but a fascinating and enjoyable week. In addition the Platoon Commanders and Platoon Sergeants were released on an exercise that would test their resolve and resilience. With no money, limited emergency provisions and armed with just their wit and charisma they had to navigate across the country achieving as many tasks that would earn them as may points as possible ... more on this in the pages to follow.
In July the Company reformed, quickly re-establishing unit cohesion and our identity before coming together and winning the Inter-Company Boxing Finals in awe inspiring fashion!
The changeover in personnel has been fluid within Coy and Pl HQ and we welcome and (welcome back in some cases): Lt Ed Ireland (RMAS), Lt Tom Yaxley (R SIGNALS transfer), WO2 (CSM) Zecca (Recce Pl, Dragon Coy), CSgt (CQMS) Umney (2 ITB, ITC Catterick), Sgt Hodgkinson (1 ITB, ITC Catterick), Sgt Cotterill (AFC(Harrogate)) and say farewell to Capt Jimmy Harrison (SO3 Armoured Infantry, Recce Armoured Tactics Division, LWC), Lt Max Sones (2 ITB, ITC Catterick), WO2 (CSM) Giles, CSgt (CQMS)
Sgt Kauleta delivering a lesson to students on the Urban Operations Course
Hawkins (Assistant BCMO), Sgt Richie (1 ITB, ITC Catterick), Sgt Katia (Assault Pioneers, Dragon Coy).
We look forward to the huge operational challenges that 2017 will bring – the ‘Bayonets’ will be ready for that challenge and will excel in style.
Following the completion of Section Commanders’ Battle Course and promotion to Corporal; congratulations go to Cpl Bradley; Cpl Hesketh; Cpl McDermott and Cpl Mumby.
Completion of the Platoon Sergeant’s Battle Course and promotion to Sergeant; congratulations go to Sgt Whotton and Sgt Bryan (both A Grenadier Company).
Completion of the JNCO Cadre
and promotion to Lance Corporal, congratulations go to – LCpl Burt, LCpl Duffy, LCpl Edwards, LCpl Graham, LCpl Tomkinson and LCpl Plummer.
Training Courses Attended of Note
Urban Operations Instructors Course: Cpl Clampitt, Cpl McDermott, Cpl Hesketh, Cpl Bull and Cpl Smith.
Jungle Warfare Instructors’ Course: Cpl Hallam, Cpl McDermott and Cpl Mumby.
Students delivering orders for a deliberate attack
CSgt (CQMS) Hawkins mentoring at the Kenyan School of Infantry at Isiolo

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