Page 89 - Mercian Eagle 2016
P. 89

                                   “the sense of pride and the magnitude of the occasion was overwhelming”
“the sense of pride and the magnitude of the occasion was overwhelming” For many cadets who want to eventually join the regiment, Armed Forces Day gives them an opportunity to stand side by side with reservists and regular troops, to proudly wear their uniform in public and which is often in front of teary eyed parents who cheer them on from the side-lines of the parade. This year the County took part in
a number of high profile parades including the hugely successful parade at Longton Park in Stoke on Trent, with the salute being taken by Colonel Adrian Walton, Late Mercian, who was pleased to witness once of the largest turnouts in recent years.
As the Olympic fever hit the UK, the small town of Stone welcomed back Joe Clarke who won a Gold medal in the canoe slalom. With a number of successful community events under their belt it was an obvious choice for the Town council to ask the Cadets to provide a guard of honour around the Rolls Royce that carried the Olympian through the crowd of nearly 5000 people as they lined the street. With cadets typically attending a weekend camp every month, twice a year the cadets come together
as a County to attend both a four day Easter Camp, this year held at Rolleston
in Salisbury Plain and a week-long Annual Camp, this year held at Longmoor, where the senior cadets had the opportunity
to experience the Urban Training Centre where they patrolled the streets and cleared buildings, which proved to be the ideal
time to use the new Paint Ball weapons especially purchased for Annual Camp. Colonel Rick Logan, Commandant said “the one word I keep hearing from the cadets is that this camp has been awesome. So who am I to disagree it must be awesome!”
Colonel Adrian Walton and his son Cadet Oliver Walton
Olympian Joe Clarke with Cdt LCpl Joshua Robinson with the ACF motto “to Inspire to achieve”
         Olympian Joe Clarke escorted by Army Cadets though the streets of Stone
          Cadets ready to assault a building

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