Page 16 - MERCIAN Eagle 2017
P. 16

    5 Platoon
January saw my first month as Platoon Commander and an exciting start to the year. We immediately began preparing for an assistance task, providing guard and logistic support to Ex SPECULAR
in Sennelager, Germany. This was a
rare opportunity for the Platoon to work independently from the Battalion. In their time off the boys had the chance to experience what Germany had to offer, including a visit to the tropical waterpark in Berlin.
The year continued at a high tempo and B (Malta) Company embarked
on Exercise Maltese Dance. The Exercise aimed to give potential junior commander’s a taste of what Brecon had in store and challenged the platoon to tackle the infamous Brecon Beacons, following one of the potential routes they would encounter on the cadre. Under the tough weather conditions one comes to expect in the Welsh hills, 5 Platoon successfully navigated the challenging terrain and the experience will serve as
a useful insight for those considering promotion courses.
In May the Company underwent a reshuffle which saw 5 Platoon split, to bolster 4 and 6 Platoon. We deployed to BATUS to act as the OPFOR for PRAIRIE STORM 1 and 2. My Platoon, consisting of 6 Platoon and members from 5, were equipped with Warriors, the only Warriors in the OPFOR ‘Donovian’ Battle Group during the first iteration. These Warriors acted as BMP 2s and up against the
Ptes Smallwood and O’ Neil enjoying the Canadian mountains
Royal Welsh Battle Group, the Platoon enjoyed an element of autonomy as
rest of the Company were equipped
with Bulldogs. The Platoon greatly benefitted from the daily exposure to their standard operating platform, gaining a better understanding of its maintenance requirements and building SOPs for tactical manoeuvre. With the success
of the Warrior for the OPFOR, the
whole Company were equipped with the platform for the second iteration against the 1YORKS Battle Group which saw the Company’s effectiveness increase further.
Canada boasts some of the world’s most outstanding natural beauty, with
a wide variety of landscapes from the mountains to the lakes and rivers.
It offered a unique opportunity for Adventure Training and the boys enjoyed a diverse range of activities including horse riding, kayaking and rock climbing. For most it was their first experience of North America and they had the chance to explore the country for themselves. The platoon took full advantage, traveling the breadth of North America, visiting as far south as Mexico.
5 Platoon are looking forward to 2018, particularly the exercise in Oman where we will have the opportunity to put all the Armoured experience gained in Canada to the test.
OC 5 Pl
Pl Sgt Warrior Sgt
Lt Charlie Hunt Sgt Tomlinson Sgt Ryder
OC 4 Pl
Pl Sgt Warrior Sgt
Lt Danny Arnold Sgt Mardell
Sgt Wilson
                                B (Malta) Company
     4 Platoon
The ‘Fighting Fourth’ has had a busy but rewarding year. All attached and existing members of 4 Platoon couldn’t have earned their leave harder, by striving to meet the ethos of both working and playing hard.
Fresh from conducting Section and Platoon level training in March 2017,
which culminated in a platoon force on force action, the platoon was ready to deploy to BATUS to perform their OPFOR tasking for both PRAIRIE STORM (PS) 1 and 2. However, before deployment, the build up to BATUS first saw us undergo radical retraining in-order to re-enlist in
the ‘Donovian Armed Forces’ – a fictional enemy used for OPFOR purposes. This new OPFOR identity allowed every member of the platoon to embrace our new role with vigour as we faced down both the Royal Welsh and 1 YORKS Battle Groups.
PS 1 proved a challenge to all involved. 4 Platoon in particular was immediately
up against it as we were lumbered with
the cumbersome Bulldog. This rendered
us significantly outmatched by the overwhelming numbers of the opposing Battle Groups. It also saw us outgunned. We were forced to quickly adapt and overcome by utilising our organic anti- armour weapons. After remedial training we could quickly bring our NLAW and RPGs
to bear, which had devastating effect on enemy armour at a distance of 100 – 600m. This, combined with constant practise and rehearsal of fire missions, meant that our FST was kept incredibly busy, repelling wave after wave of enemy Warriors with artillery barrages. By the time PS 2 came around, we were back on Warriors. Our familiarity of the Prairie, combined with our well-honed ‘Donovian’ tactics had a devastating effect, as demonstrated by our heroic defence of the village of ARANLI by the end of PS 2.
Arguably the highlight of BATUS was
the two week stand-down period granted to all by the CO between PS1 and 2.
4 Platoon had a footprint all across North America, mostly notably Calgary, Banff, Toronto and Vancouver. This combined with a comprehensive Adventurous Training package upon return saw most members of the platoon spend a further two weeks away either horse riding, kayaking or mountaineering. This opportunity was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Since recovering back to the UK,
4 Platoon has enjoyed some well-earned leave before deploying on numerous SSET tasks in the run up to Christmas leave.
4 Platoon has continued 2017’s momentum into the New Year and is working towards Oman near the end of 2018.

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