Page 26 - MERCIAN Eagle 2017
P. 26

  CIS Platoon
CIS Platoon has seen a busy 2017 with the absence of the RSO for 10 months. During the first two quarters the platoon made a swift transition and shaped itself into an OPFOR HQ for the deployment to BATUS March – July. The platoon soon got into the weeds of how to operate as an OPFOR. The platoon deployed onto the prairie in two blocks in good Donovian spirit and succeeded in outwitting the opposition for communications.
During the period of stand down between exercises CSgt Powell and Sgt Edge jetted off to Cuba in search of some cigars... Whilst the rest of the platoon venturing to Las Vegas and exploring Canada.
On return from BATUS the platoon
had a well-earned leave period then deployed to Battalion live firing camp
at Castlemartin. The Platoon provided vital CIS support in the up keep of the armoured fighting vehicles as well as taking part in the range package up to fire team attack. All enjoyed the deployment and remembering their first function is
an Infantry Soldier and got some much needed range time too. The Pl received
positive feedback from the permanent range teams in preparation for UKSB.
The CIS Platoon has been conducting Basic Radio Users course and Infantry Platoon Radio. We have trained numerous personnel across the Battalion qualified
as Regimental Signallers and sent some as Regimental Detachment Commanders to the Armour Centre, Bovington. Cpl Harrison found himself on Regimental Advanced Systems course and PTI Course and passed with excellent reports. Pte Shone found himself selected for
a Junior Non Commissioned Officers course in Cyprus.
During the last quarter of 2017 the
Pl deployed on numerous exercises supporting SSET tasks for the wider Army as well as conducted training the battalion in airwave communications for UKSB.
During the year there has seen personnel leave and join the platoon, farewell’s to Sgt Bull, LCpl Jones and Pte Rathbone and welcomes; Sgt Keane, Cpl Sukha, Cpl Duffy, LCpl Salt, LCpl Marsland and Pte Oakes.
CSgt Powell/Sgt Edge 1 MERCIAN Cuba
 RSO Capt T Lambert RSWO WO2 J Rushton
OC Major Osborne – R WELSH CSM WO2 (CSM) Cook
                                Headquarter Company
    Maj I Osborne
Busy is the new norm! Wow where has the year gone. I was posted in 3 January 2017 and here we are in December already and
I have hardly drawn a breath. That is not a slight at this very fine unit, it was the same in my last job with the R WELSH, but busy is the new norm indeed.
On arrival there were a few other changes across the Company, WO2 (CSM) Skinny Hill was on his way out to take over RQMS, the MTO was gapped whilst we waited the arrival of Captain George Long whose feet never touch the MT turf before he was sent to BATUS for 7 months, welcome George. The Operations Officer, Alex Kersey was leaving to pursue a civilian career as was Capt Fred Priggs the BGO and the RSO Captain Thom Lambert had an attachment for 6 months to London working to DSF. WO1 (RSM) Gareth Redfern took over as The RSM and WO1 Davison moved on to Command Sgt Maj 1XX and WO1 (RSM) Tony Hopkins took over RSM of The 4th Battalion, having handed over to WO2 (RQMS) Muir, congratulations all, fantastic achievement. A welcome also to Captain Jim McNeil who took over as the Operations Officer and the Adjutant Tim Fisher who took over from Captain Terry Williams. So, there were some major players moving around in Headquarter Company.
During the BATUS deployment as OPFOR we said farewell to Major Adrian Garrett
the Senior Major and welcomed in Maj
Rob Johnson, not an easy job to take over, never mind in the middle of such a major deployment! We also had a changeover of Quartermaster (T). Capt, now Major, Neil Jones moved to be Quartermaster with 1 R WELSH, congratulations Neil and Capt Rob Mears took over, again a busy deployment is not what a Quartermaster wants when taking over, but Rob came in and again just got on with the job in hand. Welcome to all.
I had the steady hands of Sergeant
Tom Edge (CIS Pl Sgt) to guide me through the early weeks standing in for
the Sergeant Major, thank you Tom you
did a superb job. WO2 Cook arrived in February and got stuck straight in to the Headquarter Company G1 weeds and made an immediate impact. The main events this year for the Company has
been the Battalions deployment to BATUS as OPFOR Apr-Aug, Training support to BATUS, a yearlong commitment with many soldiers from all cap badges deploying at some stage and finally our commitment
to support to training mostly on Salisbury Plain. This has been a period that really tested all involved across the Battalion, including Headquarter Company. On
top that there are the mandated audits, inspections and our own training, the dreaded MATTs to get the company through. Each audit and inspection to date has gone very well indeed, again all in the Company should be very proud of the standards they have maintained as well as pass all the mandated training. And a point worth making is: It is the remit of the other companies to pretty much just train and keep on top of their MATTS and other training standards,
but Headquarter Company officers and soldiers have to do that and support all of the Battalions training requirements while facilitating all the inspections and audits! Well done team.
You will be able to read articles and see photographs from all of the departments within these pages, so enough from me other than to say, everyone in the Company has dug out blind, and I will take this opportunity to personally thank them all. They are a truly great bunch of officers
and soldiers and have supported the Battalion in supreme form throughout. It has been a privilege to command Headquarter Company 1 MERCIAN.

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