Page 64 - MERCIAN Eagle 2017
P. 64

 OC Maj Paul Goddard CSM WO2 Hollingworth CQMS CSgt Weaver
                                 D (Dragon) Company
       OC Foreword
It has been a challenging and diverse year for DRAGON Company. Deploying as
and further strengthened the bond; an important relationship as we remain minded for unit and Brigade exercises and operations.
FIRIC saw the Company deploy to the Falkland Islands from 8 Aug to 8 Nov 2017; arriving during the Falkland Islands’ winter the conditions remained challenging throughout. The role was providing the infantry component in fulfilling the enduring
mission to deter Argentine aggression and reassure the local population. With the recent pledge by HMG that the UK will continue in its support to the Falkland Islands for
a further 35 years as well as the Argentine Presidential election the diplomatic terrain was complex. Throughout the deployment
the Company conducted section level patrols across East and West Falkland as well as providing ground manoeuvre forces to the 1 star HQ during two of their quarterly certification exercises.
The deployment culminated with a two week exercise; phase one was an ISTAR force on force exercise enabling specialist
skill development and testing, followed by
a live fire attack phase. The ISTAR exercise saw the Company deploy to Weddell Island, the westerly tip of the Falkland Islands by Chinook to then operate at reach, thus testing all levels of command. The second phase saw the Company recover back to the main base location for battle prep before embarking upon a 72 hour attack exercise including day and night live Company attacks. The support provided by joint assets and enablers including Chinook troop transport helicopters and HMS
Clyde, the Naval Patrol vessel further enhanced extremely challenging and diverse training, all of which was conducted on
an operational footing. The deployment concluded with individual and small team development including Battle Field Study and adventure training.
Finally, it is important to note a significant changing of the guard during this year:
Major Paul Goddard assumed command from Major Lee Hosford who stood in as Bn Second in Command as a stop gap before deploying on Operation SHADER.
Capt Gledhill took over as OC Mortars from Capt Ben Griffiths and Capt Phil Price took over as OC Recce from Capt Sam Vause who moved on to Battalion Operations Officer.
the Falkland Islands Roulemont
Infantry Company (FIRIC) has been the key output for the Company, it also provided the greatest challenge across all aspects of soldiering including junior leadership and command. Prior to FIRIC the Company rebalanced from a year
on very high readiness
as the UK’s leading
element of NATO’s
Very High Readiness
Joint Task Force 2016.
This involved a number
of internal postings,
personnel movement as
well as training within all
 Over the summer
months, the Company
reorganised into 3
equally structured Platoons in order to complement 1 Royal Anglian during their Battle Group certification on Ex WESSEX STORM on Salisbury Plain. This exercise provided a spring board from which to move forward on FIRIC keeping mindful of our specialist skills. The performances of the Company were noted by 1 RANGLIAN
‘The role was providing
the infantry component in fulfilling the enduring mission to deter Argentine aggression and reassure the local population’
D Coy / Onion Range-Cape Bayonet / Fakland Islands/ Oct 2017

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