Page 84 - MERCIAN Eagle 2017
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Ms Clark, Assistant Regimental Secretary
Working in RHQ and supporting our Regiment brings with it a variety of new tasks and experiences: it was a huge honour to be part of several Mercian 10 events especially attending a Beating the Retreat at Newstead Abbey and having dinner in Lichfield Cathedral; all the work that was put in behind the scenes was certainly worth it. It was also a privilege to be part of the Laying up of 3 MERCIAN’s Colours and work with colleagues and association members from Staffordshire. The WWI Centenary VC Paving Slab ceremonies continue and it is very humbling to be at these ceremonies amongst the relatives of the recipients as
well as our soldiers, museum staff and association members.
RHQ continues to support the WFR reunion in Worcester and 2017 saw a swell in the ranks on parade thanks to the rousing speech from Lt Col (Retd) Mark Jackson and Pte Jack Hawsley showing that even those that have been seriously injured can still parade with the best of them – well done Jack for leading the way. Thanks are also given to the Hereford and Worcester Cadets and 1 MERCIAN for their assistance on the day.
The Crich Pilgrimage saw only one set of Colours on Parade, those of
4 MERCIAN. Whilst the other two Bn’s
were greatly missed, their absence
did not distract from a very successful day. Although the Pilgrimage is led by this office, it is very much an RHQ and 4 MERCIAN effort and I give my sincere thanks to all involved.
RHQ remains the conduit between the Regiment and our civilian population and post Afghanistan we are working harder than ever to keep the Mercian name in the public eye. Given the record number of civic dignitaries, from all our recruiting area, that attended the Crich Pilgrimage and our Mercian 10 events, it shows that we remain well known.
                                The MERCIAN Regimental Benevolence Charity Update
The Mercian Regimental Benevolence Charity aim remains steadfast in its commitment to help our soldiers, veterans and our Regimental family who find themselves in need, hardship or distress, and have continued to have a busy year with a steady flow of requests for assistance coming from the Royal British Legion, SSAFA and our Unit Welfare Officers.
Benevolence Cases and Expenditure
The financial year April 2017 to March 2018 was again busy with us receiving 239 requests for assistance, the requests for help from our Antecedent Regimental veterans remains high with us receiving
a total 163 requests. Sixty four of these requests are for help with mobility costs both around the house (stairs, shower and bath adaptations) and getting out in society (ramp and electric powered vehicles). Waiting times for occupational therapist reports can take up to four to six months to action due to limited local council funding. The Benevolence Committee took the decision to pay for these reports if requested by SSAFA or the RBL so that the individual could get the help they needed much more quickly and efficiently. We have distributed over £68k in grants which is £2k down last year’s comparison. The Army Benevolent Fund has provided over £39k in grants to support our welfare cases giving us a total
of £107k distributed in the last financial year. Our direct link to Unit Welfare Officers of 1, 2 and 4 MERCIAN have proven to be effective, actioning 12 cases and over £.5k directly
to soldiers who are serving and found themselves in need hardship or distress.
Day’s Pay Scheme
The team at RHQ has worked hard to maintain the amount of funding we receive directly from our serving soldiers Days Pay Scheme (DPS), as this remains our principle form of income for the charity. However
it is worth noting that Army recruiting has been very poor over the last year with more soldiers leaving the Regiment than being recruited. This has caused a drop in funding from £59k in 2017 to £56.5k this financial year.
Donations/Forecast of Expenditure
We continue to donate £10k to the
Army Benevolent Fund, and support
our own Regimental Remembrance activities across all Counties, including Crich and Remembrance Sunday. The Worshipful Company of Bowyers continue to be steadfast supporters of the fund making regular donations and with the on-going support from of our regular charity fund raisers we received £14k in donations to top up our fund. We will have a deficit of £3k over our income, but the Benevolence Committee has been expecting this as the Afghanistan and Iraq campaign fade in people’s memory.
Injured Soldiers/Family Support
The Army finally discharged our remaining two soldiers wounded in Afghanistan serving with a Personal Recovery Unit (PRU). One soldier had been with the PRU over 5 years due to complications with his condition. A total of 14 injured soldiers have been discharged from the Army PRU’s over this year, this included twelve soldiers
with mental health issues (the same as this time last year). Mental health issues for serving personnel have been highlighted both by charities and news media, with
a new Veterans Mental Help Line run by Combat Stress opening in February. The contact number is 0800 323 4444 and is open 24hrs, 7 days a week, should you know any of your ex-military colleagues who you believe might be having mental issues; please get them to call the number. We have continued to support our bereaved families inviting them to key Regimental events, this includes Crich, the Laying Up
of 3 MERCIAN Colours in Lichfield, and the 2 MERCIAN Freedom Parade in Chester.
Look Forward
The demands upon The Mercian Regiment Benevolence Fund will undoubtedly continue to grow due to our aging veteran population and the pressures on social care in our communities. The aim of the Mercian Regimental Benevolent Fund remains ‘Firm’ in its commitment to support all our Regimental family members who find themselves in need hardship or distress. Our sincere thanks go out to all of our Regimental Associations family members who dedicate their time, resources, hard work and effort in fund raising for our charity. Your efforts enable the charity to keep up with the demand for help from
our veterans, injured soldiers and families who find themselves in hardship, need and distress.

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