Page 13 - Jigsaw May 2019
P. 13

   A word from the Mayor as he reaches the end of his year...
 It has been a privilege to represent Thrapston Town Council over the last 12 months - here’s a summary of the year.
with the threat of the closure of our library. The Town Council is continuing its negotiations with the County Council regarding the possibility of purchasing the building; we remain of
the opinion that the building should be kept as a community asset, with the possibility of developing the site in the future into a community hub. What this space and we will bring you updates over the coming months.
 We have held a number
community and charity events
over the year, including
a Teddy Bear’s Picnic in
August, the Jamboree in
September, our traditional
Fireworks in November, the
100 Year WWI Anniversary, our
popular Christmas Festival,
the Pantomime shows in
December, the Quiz ‘n’ Chips in
January and a number of Movie Matinees.
The Council’s chosen charity for the year was Dementia UK; it is an amazing charity which provides Admiral Nurses and support for patients and their families. Throughout our programme of events we have raised £4,031.25 for this worthwhile charity. The aim of these events isn’t just to raise money but is also to bring the community together.
Throughout the year we have also been raising money for Guide Dogs for the Blind. Members of the community have generously donated £1,065.84 to this cause when they have collected their dog poo bags.
One of the major projects the Council has undertaken is the refurbishment of the Plaza. With funding secured from WREN’s FCC Community Action Fund and East Northamptonshire Council together with funds committed from the Town Council, a huge transformation has taken place. The Plaza is a great facility and is now equipped for a variety of uses.
The issues with the County Council has featured heavily over the year especially
Cllr Craig Wheeler
We have also upgraded our CCTV system throughout the town
providing greater coverage to include
the Skate Park/BXM Track, the MUGA/ Outdoor Gym and the Plaza. The system will be used by the police in the prevention and deterrence of crime and also to aid investigations.
The refurbishment of the Conway Drive Play Area and re-surfacing of the Sissinghurst Drive Play Area has also been undertaken. I would like to express my thanks to the East Northamptonshire Council’s Community Facilities Fund for the grant towards these projects.
As I end my year as Chairman and Mayor I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow Councillors and all the staff for their support, commitment and hard work. We are a motivated team with one ultimate aim - to make Thrapston a great community.
And finally, my sincere thanks to members of our community who regularly give their time to support Thrapston and the Town Council. You help make this town a great place to live.
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