Page 27 - Jigsaw May 2019
P. 27
3rd Friday of every month 12.30pm-1.30pm
Community Law Sessions at Thrapston Library. Free drop in confidential advice.
Saturday St. James’ Church Welcome The church is open 10am-12pm on Saturday mornings – feel free to drop in for coffee and a chat.
Saturdays Thrapston Library will be open 10am to 2pm and manned by volunteers.
Bi-monthly MP Surgeries at Thrapston Library. Make an appointment to see your local MP, Tom Pursglove by telephoning 020 7219 8043.
We would like to pass on our sincere condolences to the families of the following people, who have passed away recently:
BUTCHER - JOHN RAYMOND of Thrapston, died 30th March 2019, aged 76 years
GARNER - RONALD ARTHUR of Thrapston, died 19th March 2019, aged 81 years
Maynard Memorials
Formerly W.T. Cox including
Headstone Cleaning Company
Finest quality & bespoke memorials, professional renovation and additional inscriptions
• Colour brochure available
• Showroom
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• Personal Service
• Council and National Trust registered
01536 512113
An independent family run funeral home for over 100 years
‘a local family helping your family’
7 Huntingdon Road Thrapston NN14 4NF
01832 734114
48 Barnwell
Nr. Oundle PE8 5PS
01832 272269
Member of the National Association of Funeral Directors
Member of the Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors