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Official statement from the NAS
The NAS are pleased to be able to provide our members with an extensive range of discounts and offers. Special deals have been negotiated on your behalf so that YOU can save money on growing your own fruit and veg on your allotment or garden.
Be sure to print out and distribute to your fellow members or include on your Society website and spread the word! Let us know what discounts you want and what companies you want them from and we will endeavour to help you save money and time.
Unless otherwise stated, please present a copy of your voucher or mention NAS Member Offers Booklet.
Don’t forget the significant members’ discount
on Kings Seeds!
Contact or call 01536 266576 to request a copy of the members’ catalogue.
Brought to you on behalf of the National Allotment Society by Crest Publications.
Tel: 01536 317000 • • email: