Page 101 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
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                                The Mercian Benevolence Charity
The Mercian Benevolence Charity aim remains steadfast in its commitment to help our soldiers, veterans and regimental family, who find themselves in need, hardship
or distress. We have continued to have a busy year with a steady flow of requests for assistance.
Some folks are keen to get the figures read out, so my apologies for the next few paragraphs. In the last financial year (F/Y), The Mercian Benevolent Fund actioned 234 requests. Please note that some of these requests were not for financial assistance, but for passing details on to specialist help providers and support groups. A total of £61,399 was paid out in 171 grants for support and this is an increase of £16,093 from the previous year. 166 requests for assistance were received from antecedent regiment personnel, with 68 cases coming from Mercian soldiers or veterans. A total of 58 cases were passed on by us to the Army Benevolent Fund, which granted a further £46,075 in financial support, making a total of £107,474 of grants being distributed though RHQ to our regimental family.
Bereaved Family Support
The Benevolent Fund with RHQ staff provided direct support to 21 bereaved families who attended the Afghanistan Memorial Service in St Pauls Cathedral, London, on 13th March 2015. The event was televised, with all senior members of the Royal Family in attendance. A number of WFR and Mercian veterans took part in the Royal British Legion March Past, with HRH The Prince of Wales taking the salute.
This was followed by the Bastion Wall Memorial dedication at the National
Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire on
3rd June 2105, where 53 bereaved family members attended the service with HRH Prince Harry and senior officers. Brigadier Williams attended both events, with HQ staff helping to organise transport, hotel accommodation and expenditure rebates to family members.
Wounded / Injured Service Personnel
The vast majority of soldiers wounded in action have now been discharged from the Army, and we have tried to maintain contact with them as they have settled back in civilian life with varying degrees of success. We remain on standby to help where possible, but request wounded veterans to keep in touch with us, and let RHQ know when they change home addresses or indeed a change in circumstances.
Charity Fund Raising
The Mercian Regiment Benevolent Fund continues to be well supported by our regimental family, and without their support the charity would not be able to be as effective in supporting personnel who find themselves in hardship, need or distress. Their fundraising goes directly to supporting our wider regimental family, and I have no doubt will continue to be called on to help the growing number of Afghanistan veterans as they try to rebuild their lives. We are thankful to all of our fundraisers, and a special mention must go towards some of our long term supporters:
• Lt Col (Retd) Keith Seddon who has continued to run a charity golf match to raise funds every year and broke the £30k barrier this year
• The Worshipful Company of Bowyers; their support is covered later in the Eagle
• Tony Millward BEM, who conducts a variety of fundraisers annually to support the charity
• The Racing Pigeon Association & Manchester City FC ‘legends’ who have completed a variety of charity football matches to raise money
Royal Hospital Chelsea
Our live in Chelsea Pensioner Sergeant Jim Fellows, continues to be as active as ever and always welcomes visitors who might wish to call into the Royal Hospital Chelsea to pay him a visit. A second Chelsea Pensioner, Mr Charles Shrimpton (Ex Worcester Regiment) is due to move into the Hospital very soon. Should you wish to pay a visit Jim or Charles ,please get in touch with RHQ who will help facilitate your visit with the Royal Hospital Chelsea Staff.
    Bereaved family members and guests on the steps of St Pauls Cathedral
Sgt Jim Fellows with RHQ staff and family members at the Royal Hospital Chelsea
RPA donation at MCFC stadium
Our Chelsea Pensioner, Sergeant Jim Fellows escorted Angelina Jolie on the red carpert, during the UK premiere of her film Unbroken in December 2014

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