Page 109 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
P. 109

                                  Being a Screw at ITC Catterick
Corporal CT Crease, Cpl Instructor PoW 4Pl
In June 2014, I started my post at the Infantry Training Centre (ITC) Catterick as a Corporal Instructor. I was placed in the Prince of Wales Division to instruct new recruits on the Line Combat Infantryman Course (CIC); originally I was from Recce Platoon, 2 MERCIAN, before my posting to ITC.
When you first arrive, you need to learn to adapt quickly because it is a totally different pace of life from your normal battalion routine. It opens your eyes to the administration side at Platoon level a lot more, and you also brush up on all the basics you think you keep on top of in battalion.
Since being in ITC, I have got my education sorted and also done some personal development courses which will come in handy later on in my career. I have also passed out a course, and I am half-way through my second course now.
It’s not all work and no play at ITC; in June 2015 I got to train the Jordanian Special Forces in Brecon for three weeks. This was a challenge because of the language barrier and also because of the cultural differences, but once we had set a routine in the first week it was good.
We had to learn to use the C8 carbine -- this is their weapon system -- and we
had to re-teach them as they were a bit rogue. We spent time on the ranges with them and I initially thought they might be at a low standard, but their shooting was a strong point; their weapon safety was not as strong, however.
They finished their time in Brecon by doing a shortened version of the FAN DANCE up the famous “granny track”. They got a great sense of achievement from this and were happy to have done it.
The Jordanians had a great work ethic by comparison with the ANA and ANP, whom I have also worked alongside.
The Jordanians took great pride in improving their low-level skills, as they saw it as a chance to show off their professionalism, which is something we drive for at ITC.
The three weeks with the Jordanians was a great opportunity for personal and professional development. It is
an opportunity I would recommend
to anyone wishing to improve on their soldiering abilities.
I am due to leave ITC in June 2016 and return to unit. If you are due to come to ITC soon, then all I can say is, you’ll enjoy it! It will open your eyes to the wider Army, and you’ll also see rewards for the hard work that you put into the recruits.

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