Page 120 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
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                                  MUSEUM OF THE MERCIAN REGIMENT (WFR COLLECTION)
Jennifer Brookman, Assistant Curator
The Museum of the Mercian Regiment (WFR Collection) in Nottingham has had a very busy year. It started with the loan of some of our
items to Nottingham Castle’s exhibition ‘Trent to Trenches’, which was part of the Imperial War Museum’s First World War Centenary Partnership. The exhibition began in August 2014 and ran through to November, telling the story of the Great War through the artefacts from local people, as well as the local regiments.
A feature of our HLF bid is to work
with Nottingham Museum Service for the redevelopment of our Education Boxes, which
is being undertaken by our freelancer Dr.Andrew Bamford. Dr Bamford has researched military history for many years, and has experience from working at Derby Museum and Art Gallery with the 9th/12th Lancers (who we share a Gallery with in Derby Museum). It is hoped the new boxes will
We loaned out several pieces from our collection for the exhibition; the most impressive being a First World War Maxim machine gun. Other items from our gallery were used
We loaned out several pieces from our collection ... the most impressive being a First World War Maxim machine gun
pilot in schools in September 2016, and ensure the history of the regiment will be carried into schools, quite literally! We will also be working in partnership with Nottingham Castle to provide a front of house team of volunteers, to provide help and promote the museum to any visitors, who may need it.
as well and these include the
medals of Albert Ball VC, a
former Sherwood Forester.
We would like to congratulate
Nottingham City Museums
and Galleries on the success of the exhibition, which was funded by the Arts Council.
Also due to the HLF grant, our website was given a well overdue revamp
and was launched back in April on Badajoz
Day. Our website can now be found at www. At the same time, we have branched out onto social media, with our Facebook and Twitter pages proving very popular. These can be found at; Facebook, Stand Firm, Strike Hard: Museum of the Mercian Regiment (WFR Collection) and Twitter, @ museumercianWFR.
Since being successfully awarded a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) in September 2014, we have been busy preparing and planning the design and layout of the new museum gallery, which is moving to the first floor of Nottingham Castle. Work has now begun on the new space and the new gallery is due to officially open in July 2016, so watch this space for more news and pictures!

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