Page 144 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
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On Friday 7 November, the Standard-bearer Mac Powell and members of the Walsall Branch attended the rededication of the War Memorial at Barr Beacon. Members from our Association, The Staffordshire Regimental Association, the Warwick’s, Worcestershire & Sherwood Foresters’ Associations and a contingent of veterans from Jaguar Land Rover, were present to hear over 1000 school children from local schools within the Borough, sing hymns and songs to commemorate the event. W02 Greg Hedges and Watchman led a short parade march to the Monument, the event was presided over by the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire, and the Mayor of Walsall, Councillor Peter Smith, Mick Webster our Branch Secretary laid a wreath on behalf of the Walsall Branch.
Mr Rob Durbin represented the Branch
at the Peace Tree ceremony for the
second year at Blakenall, Walsall. Sunday
9 November saw the Branch members;
led on parade by our Standard Bearer, commemorate the Centenary of the 1914- 1918 Great War at the Cenotaph in Walsall Town Centre, and to observe the annual Remembrance Sunday. A marvellous turnout from the town’s people made the day one to remember. Mr Rob Durbin laid a wreath on behalf of the Branch at the Cenotaph. W02 Harding and a firing party from 4 MERCIAN Regiment supplied the gun salute for the two minutes silence. On completion of
the parade, members and their families were invited back to Rock Steady Eddies, where an excellent curry lunch sustained the members and an afternoon of catching up with old friends and acquaintances over more than a few pints of beer. Mr Richard Derby and Mr Terry Moran represented
the Branch at The Cenotaph in Bloxwich Town centre. Mr Don Sharratt represented the Branch at the Short Heath Cenotaph. Congratulations to our hosts Emma and Eddie Hillback of ‘Rock Steady Eddies’ who achieved in raising £633.65, for The Royal British Legion poppy appeal.
Our Christmas function was held at Rock Steady Eddies on Saturday 6 December, the night was a huge success, thanks to Phil Fairbrace, our MC. Mrs Ollie Atkins, and Mrs Jane Fairbrace, did a sterling job selling raffle tickets throughout the night. Our thanks also go to all our members who helped out to decorate the function room prior to the event, also to the members who donated raffle prises for the event. Once again Emma Hillback prepared the buffet for the evening to her excellent standard. As is usual, we could have fed an extra 50 people, well done Emma.
Sunday 29 March Mr Phil Fairbrace and Mr Rob Durbin attended a dedication of
a newly erected WW1 War Memorial on the community green New Invention, the reading of names of the fallen were read out by Mrs N R Shaw of the New Invention community forum. The memorial was
blessed by the Reverend G Slingo, Circuit Methodist Minister, The Walsall Branch Standard was carried by Mr Phil Fairbrace, and also in attendance were the Standards of The Royal British Legion and the Staffordshire Regimental Association.
Saturday 25 April saw Mr Phil Fairbrace carrying the Standard again, representing the Branch at the promotion ceremony for the Regimental mascot (Watchman) of The Staffordshire Regimental Association, the ceremony was held at Lichfield.
The Chairman John Kirk and Branch members attended the Anzac Parade held at the Commonwealth Cemetery Cannock Chase on Sunday 26 April, the service commemorated the Centenary of the Gallipoli landings, and Mr Mac
A marvellous turnout from the town’s people made the day one to remember.
Powell Branch Standard bearer carried our Standard on parade with many others Standards from all across our region on parade.
Branch members attended the Forces charity night held at the Amery Unionist Club on Saturday 2 May the evening was an outstanding success. Mr Les Harris (Secretary) of the Amery Club presented
a cheque for £1450, with a further £100 donated by the Amery Fishing Club and
Mr Roy Harris donated a further £50, a grand total of £1600 was donated during the event. Charlotte Harvey, Volunteer & Community Fundraising Officer accepted the cheque on behalf of the charity Combat Stress from Mr Les Harris and John Kirk. On behalf of our Branch we would like
to thank The Amery Club, Mr Les Harris (Secretary) the Amery Club Committee and all club members for their on-going support for Military Charities.
Our Standard Bearer Mr Mac Powell and Philip Fairbrace attended a low key ceremony at Walsall Town Hall on the
8 May to mark VE Day. Mr Mac Powell recalled how his mother pushed him in his pram at the VE Day celebrations 1945 held
Members of the Walsall Branch at the Remembrance Service in Walsall
at Walsall Town Hall. How ironic that 70 years later Mac was again at the Town Hall carrying the Branch Standard.
On Saturday 13 June several of our members were kindly invited by Mr Dave Newey President of The Wolverhampton Branch of The Staffordshire Regimental Association to attend their annual Regimental dinner held at the Pavilion Restaurant Wolverhampton. The evening was a great success credit should be given for all the hard work by the Committee, guest of honour was Major Glynn Ireland (rtd) and the current R.S.M. of 2 MERCIAN Regiment, the event helped to cement closer relationships within the Mercian family.
Saturday 27 June Phil Fairbrace and
I attended an open day at the Ashmore public house in Wednesfield, organised
by the Wolverhampton Branch of the Staffordshire Regimental Association. Phil kindly erected his famous gazebo complete with photographs and past exploits of the Mercian Volunteer Regimental Association, never one to miss an opportunity our Phil to keep he Branch in the public eye.
Sunday 28 June saw the Branch in conjunction with the Kidderminster Branch and The Wolverhampton at the Himley Armed Forces day as in past years; Mr Peter Hall very kindly supplied his large gazebo for the event with both Branch banners proudly displayed. Under the ever watchful eyes of Colonel Keith Jeavons
plus his flask of coffee the sum of £400 plus, was raised on the day all thanks to
the members of both Branches donating items to be sold on the day, and who helped to run a tombola/bric a brac stall. Mr Bernard Pratt also arrived with his holdall of Regimental items of clothing for sale. The Branch would like to thank Mr Phil Fairbrace and Mr Peter Hall for helping to organise the event and for all their hard work throughout the day.
Members setting up the Associations display

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