Page 58 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
P. 58

C (Kohima) Company
7Pl Comd 7Pl Sgt
8Pl Comd 8Pl Sgt
MG Pl Comd MG Pl Sgt
Maj E Charlesworth
Capt Riordan/ Lt Burridge
WO2 (CSM) O’Gara Lt Cole
Sgt Joynes
Lt Brown
Sgt Atherton Lt Burridge Sgt Larkey
     OC Foreword Maj Charlesworth
With my first year as OC Kohima Coy complete, I look back at the usual plethora of activity by the company over the last 12 months. These included: Pre-deployment training (PDT) and Op TOSCA in Cyprus, exercise support in Lithuania and attachments to several Battle Groups (BGs) on Ex ASKARI STORM to name some of the overseas deployments.
At the same time courses (as always) continue, most notable include: Cpl Smith on the Jungle Warfare Instructors Course (JWIC), the Machine Gun Platoon (MG Pl) sending personnel on the Drums course, and Education, Command, Leadership and Management to support promotions. Military training was maintained whilst
MFR Officers, Warrant Officers & SNCOs, Ledra Palace Hotel, Cyprus, 2014
deployed – in a slightly different manner in Cyprus - with basic skills being focussed on Fighting in Woods and Forests (FIWAF) and the usual MATTs as always. A plethora of AT was completed over the last year (and is covered in detail later).
Particular highlights for the Coy include completing the Operational Fitness Test 6
in Cyprus (2 x 20km loaded marches on subsequent days), Coy LFTT in Otterburn, Public Order serials in Lydd during PDT, and of course bonding closely with Argentinian, Hungarian and Slovakian soldiers on Op TOSCA.
The soldiers have proved themselves throughout, and notable examples are CSgt Leach & Pte Galbraith being awarded
Commander’s Commendations on Op TOSCA, the MG Pl receiving plaudits for their support to Ex JOINT HORIZON, and the Company Boxers putting in a strong performance within the Battalion Boxing Team.
I look forward to 2016, where undoubtedly numerous opportunities will arise for Kohima Company – I know the soldiers will rise to the challenge.
(From L-R), CSgt Leach, Maj Charlesworth and WO2 (CSM) O’Gara return weary after the ‘Sleigh Race’
                                 A Company Sergeant Major’s first year WO2 O’Gara
 In early 2014 whilst instructing at the
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst RMAS,
I received a posting order for my next job
as Company Sergeant Major. I was also verbally briefed that the OC was new and would arrive the same day. As luck would have it, we were to deploy on PDT just
two days from taking over the company. Had it not been for Captain Riordan, a strong Company 2IC, and the work of
Sgt Larkey; who was
a newly promoted
Sgt filling the role as
CSM, the deployment
wouldn’t have been
so smooth. PDT was
simple and it gave me
the time to learn at least
half the company. The biggest lesson to learn was that this wasn’t Op HERRICK; the UN handled business very differently!
At the beginning of September 2014,
we assumed the role of the Mobile Force Reserve (MFR) for the UN, and were located in the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) HQ. We soon came to realise that MFR actually stood for Multiple Fast Runners; this for our ability to carry
out any random task. On a daily basis we were in view of a two-star General and
many other important dignitaries, who were always keen to see what we, as a company, were doing. This meant the men in my company - including 56 foreign nationals - had to remain very professional and extremely disciplined (especially when seeking out the best place to sunbathe).
At times the tour was very frustrating; some things we felt needed doing quickly were done in slow time or in fear of ‘rocking
...the UN handled business very differently!
the boat’ were not done at all. Priority went to the daily delivery of water and newspapers. CSgt Leach soon learnt that water was a great bargaining tool!
The tour took us over the Christmas period, and as a Company
HQ we were determined to make it a good day for all the lads from all nationalities. There was a visit from Santa, a company sleigh race and probably the worst (and wrong in so many ways) nativity play which is never to be repeated. The time
on tour as a CSM brought its challenges, but it was made very easy with the men of Kohima Company, and the way they professionally conducted their business.
 Pte Twitchen leads from the front during the MFR ‘Sleigh Race’, 25 Dec 14.
Military Skills Competition Team, UNPA, Cyprus, 2015

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