Page 77 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
P. 77

                                 The Coltman Stretcher Race 2015 Sgt Gorin
The 4th Battalion, Mercian Regiment were invited to enter a team in the third annual Coltman Stretcher Race during June 2015. The event commemorates the most highly decorated British soldier, Lance Corporal Coltman, who was a stretcher bearer during World War One, as well as raising funds for the British Legion.
The event consisted of twelve, eight man teams (plus reserves) each carrying
a stretcher weighing 60 kg, across the Malverns for a total of eight miles. A (Fusilier) Company were proud to represent 4 MERCIAN, with the team consisting of: WO2 Jones (SPSI); WO2 Heywood; Sgt Gorin (Team Captain); Cpl Korimbocus; Fus Osborne; Fus Curry; Fus Brayley; Fus Perrins and Fus Fradgley.
On 20th June, the team set out from
the company location and headed to the assembly area located at Malvern Library; the starting point for the stretcher carry. Once there, final preparations were made to the stretcher to ensure all was correct, and a quick chance to meet the dozen or so other teams taking part from different branches of the Army. There were Regular and Reserve teams from: The Royal Marines (odds on favourites!); 1 MERCIAN; 2 MERCIAN; Medical Units; RLC Units and OTC units.
In fine weather, the first team set off at 11am, followed closely by the other teams at two minute intervals. The first stretch
of the trek involved navigating across very steep streets and roads, until the dirt track leading to the top of what turned out to be the first of many hills to be climbed. The climb to the top proved to be a challenging one for all involved, and needless to say
WO2 Jones; WO2 Heywood; Sgt Gorin; Cpl Korimbocus; Fus Osborne; Fus Curry; Fus Brayley; Fus Perrins and Fus Fradgley celebrating their achievement at the end of the Coltman Stretcher Challenge.
everyone had a sweat on by the time the top was reached.
Thankfully, once the first summit was reached it proved to be easier going and for the next few miles we settled into a steady pace, taking turns in carrying the stretcher between the team members while receiving much appreciated encouragement from members of the public along the way. The
views from the ridge were stunning, but unfortunately there was no time to stop and admire them as the teams behind us were hot on our trail.
With the remains of the ancient ruins of British Camp in sight signalling the end of the race, everyone re-doubled their efforts for the last push up the steep slope to the top.
  A (Fusilier) Company approaching the finishing line high on the hills of the Malverns. Very little smiling and laughing at this point.
Memebers of A (Fusilier) Company smiling and laughing at the start of the Coltman Stretcher Challenge.)

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