Page 89 - MERCIAN Eagle 2015
P. 89

                                OP Blackwell
Various members of the Company (including the Company Sergeant Major) found themselves arriving in Uganda this year as part of the Battalion’s regular commitment to training of AMISOM troops in Somalia. Some for the first time, others as ‘old
hats’, but from arriving and immediately experiencing the African heat and dramatic driving experience in rush hour through Kampala, they were prepared and rehearsed as to the lessons and serials they would
be delivering as the planning process had begun many months earlier at Battalion HQ.
The short two weeks that the members of D Company (as part of 4 MERCIAN) had to remind, revise and conduct scenarios
that would be the culmination of all the Ugandan battle group’s training began with revision of counter IED and anti ambush drills. This soon escalated into Battalion level serials testing the logistic chains of the 49th battalion. Before
language and culture differences came to light. This was no more apparent than in the final serial. As the 49th Battalion reclaimed the village from which they had been operating, Mercian instructors hung onto
 their HQ had chance to catch their breath, the casualties started flying in for the battlefield medics to evacuate and treat.
Before their HQ had chance to catch their breath, the casualties started flying in
the shoulders of the commanders guiding them through the chaotic scenario trying to clearly and concisely advise based on their own past experience and training. Eventually, and to the relief of both
The exercise
tested both the men
of the 49th Battalion and the instructors of D Company as the ever-challenging
parties, the AMISOM troops cleared the village and were told the exercise was over.
       OP Blackwell - Mercian Eagle 2015

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