Page 138 - Mercian Eagle 2013
P. 138

                                 Capt John Ferns turns the page in the Book of Remembrance
at the opening of a new Academy School
in the town on 9th November where the children set a Guinness World Record in creating a human poppy. This was followed by Remembrance Sunday where the people turned out in force to remember, despite the local newspapers seemingly ignoring this National Day of Commemoration.
Rest assured, your correspondent made
his feelings known to them! A few days later we were represented, together with other local veterans, to give support to
the Friends of Little Sutton Railway Station when they replanted two holly bushes which had been originally planted at the station after the Armistice in 1918.
At our Branch AGM on a proposal from members that the serving Branch Officers be asked to “carry on soldiering”, members were thanked by the present Branch Officers for their renewed confidence.
Once the snows of winter had gone, we began a varied programme of events, first with a social evening where we enjoyed a good old-fashioned hotpot and raffle as well as some good banter with our Master of Ceremonies, Harry Goodenough. In June we gave a great deal of support
to community events in Ellesmere Port culminating with Armed Forces Day. But before that we were privileged to watch the 1st Battalion, The Mercian Regiment (Cheshire) doing their Homecoming March through the town. It was very nice to see the local boys being presented with their campaign medals by the Mayor, too. This was very different from the usual where some military dignitary presents them behind the barrack wall and brings home the message that the Regiment belongs here.
Our Commemoration Services at the Boat Museum and Whitby Copse went very well; the sun was shining and there wasn’t too much wind to distract the Standard Bearers and the Padre (Revd Rex Buckley, ex-3 CHESHIRE) did us proud. Our thanks go to the neighbouring branches for their support and the CRA Chairman, Lt Col David Oak MBE for taking part and laying wreaths.
Members of the most northerly English branch of the Cheshire Regiment Association (Limavady being the most northerly branch in the world by 2 degrees!) have travelled south to attend the ever popular East Cheshire Reunion and also went to pay their respects at the graveside of the late Barry (Bush) Riley who was a stalwart founder member of the branch.
As we do every year, the Regimental rose planted on his grave
was given a pruning so
that it can flourish for
another year. Another southerly event which we enjoy supporting was Tranmere Branch’s annual pilgrimage to Ypres for Remembrance Sunday. Other members of the
branch attended services in their home communities which saw Regimental wreaths appearing in places such as Thornton Cleveleys and Fleetwood.
The branch Christmas party once again went well; it was great to see so many members, friends and family having such a good time at the Stables Hotel.
At the Annual General Meeting, which was well attended, much debate took place. There were no changes in branch officers, Secretary, Ricky Burchett, Chairman Noel Brookes and Treasurer Bill Birkett were all asked to carry on with the good work and all agreed to do so.
by Ray Stafford
Despite many of our members being unwell, we continue to enjoy support at our monthly branch meetings. It was good to see the return of Brian Billington and Malcolm Morris after their illnesses.
Thanks must go to Major Jim Salisbury for organising a very special day at the National Arboretum to dedicate an oak tree which was planted by Harry Tomkinson. Following the ceremony we went and had a really good lunch together.
As is now tradition, members travelled to Stockport for the
 As we do every year, the Regimental rose planted on his grave was given a pruning...
most enjoyable East Cheshire Reunion. On Remembrance Day, members attended the services in both Crewe and Nantwich before going on to lead the service at the Airman’s Grave, situated to the rear of Shrewbridge
Road in Nantwich.
Our branch Christmas Dinner was a
roaring success and thanks go to Dave Waring for organising it for us.
The New Year brought the AGM, and despite the atrocious weather, attendance was good. Harry Tomkinson was thanked for all his services to the branch over the years as he stepped down as chairman.

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