Page 23 - QARANC Vol 15 No 1 2017
P. 23

                                massively improved my overall throwing ability. This was a real confidence booster and showed me that the training works and how pushing my own limits and challenging myself on a daily basis has huge benefits both physically and mentally. The training I received and advice I was given was very helpful and I now continue to use when I train in my own time. Being in that environment, with the athletes and the constant training, brought everything back to basics and meant I could work on stronger foundations. I would highly recommend this type of training and the Army sports tours for helping build confidence and technique as well as making friends and representing their parent units and the Army as a whole.
The tour was 10 days long and even though we couldn’t compete as we intended to, it was great preparation for the Inter service competition, which I had made the team for, and the future AMS competitions. Training every day with the group meant we had got to know each other very well and got to know and understand how each other trained and was able to analyse and critique each other’s performances and technique. This gave everyone lots of motivation to keep pushing their own limits and personal boundaries. We also had some down time and went out for meals as a whole group. Hearing how the other’s disciplines training was going was very inspiring and having that social time together helped to gel the overall team and not just our individual groups. I feel that being able to have some down time alongside the training, allowed for everyone to become more comfortable with one another. We all bonded well as athletes as well as friends.
Seeing myself make such progress has given me more of a drive to push myself out of my comfort zone on a more regular basis and strive for bigger more competitive events. I am now competing for my unit and the AMS on a regular basis and we have all now become a strong and successful team. I would highly recommend the tour and any upcoming training days to anyone interested in doing any sort of athletics. The team are very inspirational and motivating and will help improve anyone who is keen to be a better athlete. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the AMS team and feel I have really benefitted from being given the opportunity to train for and compete at this level. I feel proud to have done so well and to have the opportunity to represent DMGSE and the QARANC in athletics and as an overall individual. I hope to inspire and encourage other fellow members of QARANC and even other regiments to join and get more involved within this sport and further open the door for bigger and better opportunities to take place.
Cpl Sophie Gray QARANC
  Defence Medical Group (North) Annual Awards
DMG(N) Award Winners. L-R: Pte LJ McConnell QARANC (Northern Challenge Trophy) and Cpl K Todd QARANC (Nightingale Award)
2016 saw a busy year for Defence Medical Group North with a new Commanding Officer, Officer Commanding Nursing, Training Officer, Professional Development Officer and Adjutant as well as a HQ move to RAF Leeming, a military focused exercise to Kirkcudbright (ex Northern Challenge 6), a clinical exercise to AMSTC (ex Northern Cross 6), a battlefield study to Normandy (ex Northern Overlord) and hosting the first DMG wide pentathlon competition. One thing that remained constant, however, was the annual DMG(N) awards. This is an opportunity for the commanding officer and his executive committee to reward individuals for their hard work and commitment throughout the year.
2016’s recipients were as follows:
The Commanding Officer’s Award is awarded to an individual who has excelled throughout the year in any facet of unit life. This year awarded to; Cpl JS McAllister QARANC.
The Nightingale Award is awarded to an individual who has demonstrated exceptional devotion or achievement within their clinical role that has directly benefitted military or civilian patients. This year awarded to; Cpl K Todd QARANC.
The Stewart Cup is awarded to an individual as recognition of outstanding sporting achievement. This year awarded to; CPL NJ Balyckyi PMRAFNS.
The Northern Challenge Trophy is awarded to a JNCO who has been recognised for their outstanding military performance during ex Northern Challenge. This year awarded to; Pte LJ McConnell QARANC.
In addition to the individual awards, the Commanding Officer’s Challenge Cup was awarded; this is a culmination of events held throughout the year with the 5 main departments (HQ, ED/ ITU, medical, trauma/surgery and AHPS). This year’s events included orienteering, march and shoot, athletics, festival of sport, pentathlon, swimming and the Christmas Festive Cup. The 2016 winners of the Commanding Officer’s Challenge Cup were, once again, the AHPS.
There are exciting times ahead in 2017 for DMG(N) again with further exercises planned, a battlefield study to Germany and numerous departmental competitions throughout the year ready for the 2017 awards ceremony in December.
 WO1 (RSM) J Halligan

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