Page 39 - QARANC Vol 15 No 1 2017
P. 39

                                Newcastle Branch
Greetings from Newcastle Branch. We have had a mixed year with a variety of events and meetings, which were enjoyed by all who attended. Our secretary, Ron Bell, changed jobs mid-year and sadly had to give up his post; it has taken until November to persuade Jacqui Hall and Fiona Mitford to share the position. We are working on updating our membership information and our page on the QA Association website. If we are missing anyone who believes they are on our books, please get in touch.
“Chairman Shirley Laverick-Stovin, OCN of 201 Field Hospital (201FH), along with Cath Waller and Bill Toy, enjoyed the poignant Turning of the Pages lead by DMG (N) at Castle Howard. Private Elwood, a Student Nurse with 201FH, also attended.”
2016 ended with our ever-popular Christmas event at Newcastle Airport’s Britannia Hotel. We had our best attendance for a few years, and everyone had a great time.
We started 2017 with an outstanding first meeting on 7 January at Fenham Barracks – home of 201FH, which included a raffle and a brilliant Bring and Buy sale. There was a lively discussion about ideas for trips and events for the coming year. We took the opportunity of the excellent
 QA turnout to have a photo. One of our members, former Matron at 201, Brenda Houlison, who unfortunately was unable to attend the meeting, hit the magical age of eighty and was wished well by the Branch with some lovely flowers.
We are planning an event for QARANC Corps Day in March to commemorate the 70th Anniversary and to be involved in a 201FH event for their 50th Anniversary which is also this year.
Fiona J Mitford
South Downs Branch
Not much has happened since our inaugural launch in July last year! That is not to say that we have not been thinking up some ideas or planning any events. We are!
In fact, a small band of QAs who live on the south coast got together before Christmas for ‘high tea’ at the Indigo Restaurant in Worthing to catch up on the latest Association news and discuss what we could do in 2017. Ideas flowed with suggestions of walking the South Downs Way (Winchester to Eastbourne) to a more sedate event of having a retail therapy day out in Ashford Retail Outlet Centre with the added bonus of afternoon tea hosted by one of our members who lives close by.
As ever, it was a lovely afternoon catching up with old and new friends/colleagues and reminiscing of our days in the Corps.
We are looking forward to supporting Association events in the year ahead.
South Downs branch will be the branch to watch!

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