Page 49 - ALG Issue 3 2019
P. 49

Nowadays, almost 80% of the population live in urban or suburban areas.
This led us to change our views and to design new models, new forms of AGs to answer the growing needs of this new urban population.
In 2018 the new allotment gardeners are quite different from those in the 1890s, even if the economic crisis generates new demands of people who desperately need a piece of land to survive by growing their own:
• Theyusuallyhavenoexperienceofgardening. • Manyofthemarewomenoryoungcouples.
• Thosewhohaveajobdonothavemuchtime
to spend in the garden.
• Mostofthemareinterestedinorganic
• TheywantaplotinacollectiveAGinorderto
meet other people, from different origins.
The size of the plot is not the most important thing for them; they are more interested in the quality of the equipment and the social life.
The functions of these new types of AGs
are multiple: economical (food production), therapeutic, educational, ecological, social... AGs are a great contribution to the quality of life in large cities.
       Despite the small size of these plots, the output is significant due to the quality of the soil and the people do not need to buy any expensive tools
     Allotment and Leisure Gardener 49

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