Page 68 - ALG Issue 3 2019
P. 68

Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Essex, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire
Melton Constable Community Orchard, Norfolk
 The Melton Constable Allotments Association was founded four years ago and has maintained a steady membership of around 20 members. There are 72 allotments all together, with only one currently vacant.
Three years ago, the Allotment Association decided to renovate a
very over-grown and long-abandoned allotment to create a community orchard. The allotment in question is adjacent to the children’s play area
and had, several years ago, been divided into small plots as a community allotment. Only one of those small plots has been continuously cultivated and the remaining area had become
a dumping ground for rubble, bricks, weeds, plastic and general rubbish,
in addition to being over-grown with weeds. It is slightly apart from the other allotments and is an odd, almost triangular shape, so not easily rented.
We were fortunate enough that a local contractor donated both time and machinery to perform an initial clearing of all that rubble and then we set-to to clear and clean the area. A small group of volunteers were consistent through the year as we dug, strimmed, pruned and raked. On a cold and blustery day in mid-winter 2017, seven fruit trees were planted; apples, pears, plums and a greengage. Blackcurrant bushes followed later and, finally, a flower
bed was added as a border between the orchard and the adjacent small allotment. As an over-throw from the previous allotments that had been on the site, there were beautiful comfrey and cardoon plants that we allowed to remain amongst the trees, and they grow to magnificent heights each year.
We received generous donations from both local individuals and local businesses, including two benches which we’ve sited with lovely views over both the orchard and
the Glaven Valley.
Sareena Mayle cutting the ribbon
The most recent additions have been to create a living willow tunnel and we’ve also planted a fig tree and a grape vine along the fence of the play area.
On Sunday June 19th 2019, the Allotment Association was proud to celebrate the Grand Opening of the Community Orchard. It was a warm Sunday morning and over thirty people attended the ceremony, then retreated to the local monthly Community Cafe for coffee and cake. Following an entertaining speech by Steve Unsworth, the chairperson of the Parish Council, one of our youngest and yet keenest allotmenteers, eight-year-old Sareena Mayle, performed the cutting of the ribbon.
we’ve also planted a fig tree and a grape vine along the fence
We are very proud of our achievement and some members are already looking around for the next project to get stuck into!
Elaine Smith
Chairperson of Melton Constable Allotments Association
             68 Allotment and Leisure Gardener
Some of the Allotment Association members who have contributed to the creation of the Community Orchard, enjoying one of the donated benches; “Astrid’s Seat”

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