Page 3 - RAFMA Winter 2003
P. 3

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From the Editor President's Foreword
Chairman’s Notes
Back at the Sharp End Alpine Success at JISAM OS
ein Chamonix -
A nidge Too Far
-7The Dgwen Valley OGRE -'Old Git’s Rignysberg
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Rock W eek
Skiing Offthe Hand at R ig n y s b e rg .
Sqn Ldr D C Tait
Allcontributions should be s e n t to :
Sqn Ldr D C Tait,
S O S A 3 R e g t R e id O p s , HQ Strike Command, R A F H ig h W y c o m b e ,
Bucks,HP 1 4 4UE. T e le p h o n e :
oiasa asnaei Ext 7357 MilS5331 Ext7357
RAFMA Journal is published annually for all personnel who aré connected either directly or indirectly with 1he RAF. Reports of trials and exercises and articles of general Service interest should be forwarded early in May or before for the magazine to beissuedinearlyAugust.
Lance Publishing Ltd Grosvenor House, Eastgate, Whittlesey, Peterborough PE7 1SE. Tel: 01733 751000
, Fax: 01733 751070
Email: m lke@
w w w .la n c e p u b lis h in g .c o .u k
Christina Mclean
Lance Sales & Marketing Ltd 1-st Floor, Tallby House,
Bath Rood, Kettering NN16 8NL. Tel: (01536)521126 Printed by-todge Printers Ltd - Tel: (01487) 832629
Publishing Ltd
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Wi-^Z <It’s'AllaBitofanEffortReally!
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Intim idation
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Expedition Black Jack
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The views expressed by the contributors to the RAF Mountaineering Association Magazine ore not necessarily those of the Editor, MOD, RAF or the publishers and do not reflect Station policy. All precautions are taken to ensure accuracy. Advertisements are accepted on ihe understanding that they conform to the British Code of Advertising Practice.
Journal 2003 RAFMA

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