Page 34 - 2000 AMA Summer
P. 34
AMA Spring Meet
By Capt Sal Ahsan RAMC
T otley Range' bunkhouse was definitely the place to be over the last bank holiday of May. This was the time for
people to become reacquaint ed with the unique gritstone feel of the Peak District. It was of course the AMA Spring Meet.
Word had spread, or maybe folk were just at a loss for something exciting to do over the 26-29 May 00. but the numbers had doubled from last year's attendance. Thirty AMA members plus friends and family gathered into the excellent facilities of Totley Ranges to participate in another AMA weekend which is establishing itself as an annual event well marked in the AMA calendar. Although the official start time was not until Friday night, some keen types had already got a full day's climb done before the first pint was supped in the local pub on
interspersed with showers. Everyone managed to get stuff done, polished off the gritstone climbing techniques and had happy tales to tell in the evening.
To give a little something different to the punters, a BBQ was held on the Saturday night after a couple of presen tations. Maj. Dave Baggaley gave a talk on his experiences in mountaineering days gone by, with excellent slides featuring a younger Dave and friends-from only just a few years ago!! Inspiring tales were told of ascents and avalanches and SSgt Mark Hedge gave an atmospheric amusing account of rock climbing as it is today, complete with groovy tunes and artistic slide shots. Both presentations were much enjoyed and added an extra touch to enhance the weekend, so thanks guys!
A Srivenham young 'un doing something hard.
Fnday night. The rest of the
arrivals congregated in the
Cricketer’s, conveniently
situated 5 minutes away form
the bunkhouse. It truly is a down with strange food
teamwork and culinary efforts of Capt Stu MacDonald and Capt Andy Gallagher. Jamie Oliver watch out. The majority of people settled for a quiet night catching up with friends from expeditions past or in the case of Capt Kev Edwards of expeditions to come. However there those young Shriven- ham lads who still were beckoned by the bright light of Sheffield's nightspots and off they went in search of alterna tive fun. Bless 'em! So the message there is that there was something for everyone.
mental type and small things like that inspire me.
Climber areas were plentiful, with every climbing spot in the Sheffield area only 15 minutes drive away. The AMA climbers visited the majority of them, and even the Foundry got a look in on Saturday, when rain set In for a period. As is traditional over the last two Spring Meets.
The teamwork, the friendly atmosphere and the positive attitude of all that attended definitely has inspired me to do the same again for next year. I’ll no doubt wonder why but then I’ll remember elements of this year and crack on. Some had come from Northern Ireland; SSgt Martin Kenyan had used the time as an instructional period for some of his colleagues and others had made the journey from Ballahuilisch. As long as people are willing to put them
perfect venue in all respects.
ailments did flash into my mind.
The BBQ was a success although it nearly wasn't and visions of thirty climbers going
Most folk stayed for Sunday, The weather held out for mention the enormous amount but the beauty of such a laid
Saturday, with sunshine of food by the excellent back, non-official event was that you could do whatever you liked. Families took advantage of this fact and relationships were enhanced (I hope) by a perfect day of climbing. I get a warm glowy feeling knowing that someone
Ben Mclnnes doing something else hard!
A selection of happy AMA types enjoying a day on the crag.
32 Army .Mountaineer
The evening was saved, not to
who could go on to become a selves out like this, these
lifelong climber had his or her first day on rock at the Spring Meet. But I’m an old senti
meets will continue and go from strength to strength. And next year, I’ll not be so elusive!