Page 21 - Cadet Review 2_24
P. 21

                                   CADETS BUILD FIRST AID SKILLS
By SSI Donna Nixon
The Corps of Drums and Doncaster Detachments had a special training evening recently with a return visit by local Paramedics.
The Paramedics assisted with First Aid training
by setting up some realistic training scenarios for
the cadets, where they tackled simulated incidents involving injuries including fractures and choking. This resulted in the cadets putting their skills in managing a situation and providing First Aid treatment to the test under the watchful eye of the visitors.
The cadets had a great time, and particularly enjoyed the part where they had to immobilise each other to treat fractures.
At the end of the night the cadets thanked
the Paramedics for the help to understand the importance of First Aid training and in helping them develop their skills.

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