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It is all change at South and West Yorkshire Wing where Wing Commander Brian Daniel has handed over command to Wing Commander Kat Barton after sixteen years in command. He is wished well in his
new role at HQ Air Cadets and Wing Commander Barton is welcomed to her new appointment.
Meanwhile the pace of activity across Yorkshire and the Humber has not let up, with Spring and early Summer seeing so much in the
and service, as without their efforts you would not be enjoying the Cadet Experience, which is such an essential part of being a member of the Cadet Forces and having FUN! Do enjoy whatever you are involved in and share the message to all.
If you are a unit commander, or even if not but you are interested in telling your story, do send stories in. The Editor knows how much is going on out there in each of the cadet forces; just tell the rest of Yorkshire and
   Disclaimer: The views expressed by the contributors to The Cadet Review are not necessarily those of the Editor, MOD, Royal Navy, Army, Royal Air Force or the publishers and do not reflect SCC, ACF, Air Cadet or CCF policy. All precautions are taken to ensure accuracy. Advertisements are accepted on the understanding that they conform to the British Code of Advertising Practice. This magazine is published by kind permission of the Chairman, RFCA for Yorkshire and the Humber.
Published on behalf of
The RFCA for Yorkshire and The Humber by
Crest Publications
12 Brooklands Court, Kettering Venture Park, Kettering, Northants NN15 6FD. Telephone: 01536 317000
                                      way of competition, expeditions, exercises and camps. In addition, both Humberside and South Yorkshire
ACF and 152 (City of Hull) Squadron were awarded the Freedom of the City of Kingston upon Hull in March and proudly participated in a joint Freedom Parade with other service holders and the South Atlantic Medal Association 1982 (SAMA82), on 14 April 2024. This historic occasion saw two Reserve units, all three community Cadet Forces and SAMA82 veterans paraded through the city of Kingston upon
Hull where citizens of the city and visitors were treated to a fine military
uxy spectacle.
By the time this edition reaches
you, adventure training, expeditions and annual camps all over the UK and possibly overseas too, should be well under way. Enjoy whatever activities you are participating in this summer and please thank all the adult volunteers for their dedication
the Humber what you are doing and spread the word of all the hard work and effort which is being put into your units to benefit the cadet experience.
Many of the activities mentioned above have also featured on the RFCA website at https://www. in addition to their own media channels. Do take a look at the RFCA website too.
Please continue to send, high quality stories and pictures in for
the magazine, which makes for excellent reading material, not just around Yorkshire and the Humber, but nationally. A plea though, do look closelyatthequalityofthepictures being sent with stories; many have been rejected as they were of poor quality or content and would detract from what would otherwise be good contributions. Keep sending your stories and do please note the copy dates below and the guidance notes on submission of articles.

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