Page 48 - Cadet Review 2_24
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                                SWY Wing ATC
  The beginning of May marked the standing down
of Wing Commander Brian Daniel after 16 years as Officer Commanding South and West Yorkshire Wing as he handed over command to Wing Commander Katherine Barton.
He has served the Wing for over three decades in a variety of different guises, beginning his career as a Civilian Instructor at 2008 (Bawtry) Squadron in 1990. His commitment and passion for the organisation
led to him obtaining his commission in May 1993, taking command of 750 (Thorne) Squadron in December 1994. In July 2005, his leadership qualities were recognised with a promotion to Wing Staff. His appointment as Officer Commanding South and West
I am immensely proud of what we have achieved
Yorkshire Wing followed in September 2008.
During his 16 years at the helm, Wing Commander
Daniel has been the architect of transformative changes within the Wing. He spearheaded the sectorisation initiative, which optimised resources and enhanced the cadet experience. Under his guidance, the Wing adopted the progressive training syllabus, ensuring that cadets received a modern, comprehensive experience that prepared them for success both within the RAFAC and beyond.
Wing Commander Daniel's tenure was marked by his ability to lead through challenging times, including guiding the Wing through the global pandemic with resilience and adaptability that this required.
Reflecting on his service, he said, "It has been my greatest honour to serve alongside the remarkable cadets and staff of South and West Yorkshire Wing. Together, we have navigated change, embraced innovation, and upheld the proud traditions of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets. I am immensely proud of what we have achieved and the bright future that lies ahead for the Wing. In the span of my career with the Wing, I have witnessed a remarkable evolution with each step having been a journey of growth, challenge, and profound satisfaction. The opportunity to shape the lives of both cadets and staff, to instil in them
the values of discipline, integrity, and service, has been a privilege that I have cherished deeply. As I reflect on the years gone by, I am filled with a sense of pride for the resilience and spirit our cadets have shown, especially during the unprecedented global pandemic. The ability of our staff to adapt, to maintain their focus and to support one another is a testament to the strength of our organisation.
The changes we have implemented, from sectorisation in the early days of command to the introduction of the progressive training syllabus, were not just about modernisation but about preparing
our cadets for a future that is ever-changing. It has been my honour to lead these initiatives, to watch
our cadets and staff to thrive and grow into leaders
The full-size RAF Officer’s sword was presented on behalf of the Wing through staff donations to Wing Commander Daniel at 2008 (Bawtry) Squadron’s Dinner. He is pictured with Air Commodore Ian Stewart CBE DL

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