Page 17 - Out Birding Issue 111 Summer 2023
P. 17

When talking to poten􏰀al insurance providers for the Club, Liz, our Treasurer, no􏰀ced that out of over 300 members, some 55 volunteer their 􏰀me to support our ac􏰀vi􏰀es, whether it is as event organisers, regional contacts, commi􏰁ee member or in support roles to the commi􏰁ee. This high number is remarkable and something we can celebrate and shows the high regard our membership has for our ac􏰀vi􏰀es. If you would like to do more for the Club, we would welcome you with open arms as there are vacancies on the Commi􏰁ee, notably Publicity Officer and Communica􏰀ons Officer. These are not onerous du􏰀es, but it would make a great deal of difference to the be􏰁er running of the Club if we could fill these. If you would like to find out more about these vacancies, or have a chat about a role you could take in the Club, please feel free to contact me.
Very best wishes, Andy.

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