Page 29 - The Black Deer and Charlie Rabbit
P. 29
The Black Deer and Charlie Rabbit 27
He skirted Wyldersham town looking along the river bank for Otter but he was nowhere to be seen. Alfie decided to try again another day, and he set off along the path that led to the mill. As he approached the bridge he could see something moving through the clumps of long grass in the meadow. Alfie dropped to the ground beside the bridge and peered around a post. His heart began to thump: it was a fox.
The fox was sitting with his back to the wood staring towards the Westons’ cottage. He stood up, to ok a deep breath, and stepped out across the meadow. The fox crouched there, his tail twitching slowly. He didn’t hear Alfie approaching until he called out:
‘Hello there, are you looking for someone? I haven’t seen you around here before.’