Page 34 - Mercian 2015
P. 34

OC Captain Luke Riordan 2IC WO2 Dickenson
Mortar platoon has once again been
kept busy over the last training year, with deployment to BATUS being the major highlight for most. Under the new command of Captain Riordan and Warrant Of cer Class 2 Dickinson, this was to be a steep learning curve for all. BATUS provided the platoon with the necessary requirement to gel together, and allowed many to deploy in the armoured role for the  rst time.
The BATUS programme allowed the platoon enough time to conduct all necessary training, with time given to the
lower level skills and drills that sometimes can be overlooked. This stood the platoon on a strong foundation in order to move on to the more complex strategies, drills and tactics required by the Mortar Platoon in Armoured Warfare.
The MFCs operated well throughout the exercise, being commended by BATUS Staff for adjusting mortar  re onto targets quickly and accurately. Commander BATUS also highlighted both Sergeant Franks and Warrant Of cer Class 2 Dickinson as being, ‘Stars of the Exercise.’ This was because
they consistently impressed in all aspects
of their respective roles. Sergeant Franks’ thirst for work was unquenchable at times, always offering information, options and assistance to those around him. He showed further sel ess commitment by volunteering to remain in Canada until the last  ight, in order to supervise the vehicle handover.
He sent the platoon a postcard from Banff. The platoon as a whole gained a lot of practice in the arts of vehicle maintenance and worked hard throughout to avoid any time spent in the ‘Graveyard’ ECP. BATUS also provided many within the Mortar Platoon to become pro cient in Rubik’s Cube Completion, with most achieving the basic level completion under the tutelage of Lance Corporal Hassall, Private Bothamley and Private Winberg. Hopefully this will be re ected on their JPA Competencies in
the near future. Lance Corporal Duffy and Lance Corporal Roberts also continually impressed in their RSDC roles, with communication problems being kept to a minimum.
The progression from CT1 to CT4 whilst in BATUS, allowed the Mortar Platoon to integrate with Artillery, Air and Aviation
on Fire Plans. This was an invaluable experience, in that it allowed a more holistic view of where mortars can be utilised within the battle group context, and also how the battle group works within the Brigade.
On return from BATUS, the Mortar Platoon will be looking to hold a numbers cadre in order to get some ‘new blood’. With multiple tasks on the horizon, such as Exercise STEEL DRAGON and OPERATION TEMPERER, it means a busy and exciting time ahead for all.
Mortar being  red from an armoured vehicle

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