Page 39 - Mercian 2015
P. 39

Before the battalion closed for Christmas, my team and I had one more party to organise; the wives Christmas party. The RSM kindly surrendered his Mess and helped throughout the evening, but left before he could be called before a court of law. The wine and cocktails  owed into the early hours and eventually all the Mess silver was accounted for and all the wives were transported home safely.
2015 started off busy and continued to gather momentum as the Ri e Company’s worked through their CT exercises. Sgt
Jon Baker moved himself off MJDI from the QM’s into the welfare SNCO roll to bolster the growing team. His  rst task was to plan the iconic Children’s Easter Egg Hunt, which went very well apart from the poor weather conditions (wet Wiltshire was de nitely living up to its name).
I would like to take this opportunity
to personally thank my Welfare Team
for their continuous hard work and total commitment they have displayed during my tenure.
The welfare team will endeavour to continue to support the soldiers and their families throughout the remainder of 2015 and indeed 16.
This has been a frenetic year for the CIS platoon, as it has for all of 1 MERCIAN. Following the regimental merger in August 2014, the CIS platoon has found itself formed of a varied mix of experiences from across the infantry spectrum. Decisively, the vast majority of the platoon were inexperienced signallers with a very limited understanding of CIS capabilities; let alone armoured vehicles.
With this in mind the  rst challenge was to identify and gain the plethora of signals driving and commander quali cations
that would be required to achieve Initial Operating Capability. Attendance on
these courses was an ongoing battle which continued right up to summer leave, prior
to our deployment. Within the CIS platoon we have trained 13 soldiers through the Basic Radio User and Infantry Platoon Radio Operators courses. In addition we have successfully passed seven soldiers through the Regimental Signallers’ Cse at the Support Weapons School in Warminster with some highly impressive performances. On the armoured vehicle front, Sgt Barringham (Pl Sgt) has orchestrated numerous  nely balanced manoeuvres;
qualifying 11 drivers and 14 commanders for Panther and Bulldog platforms.
A principle function of the CIS platoon was to support the battalion in its preparations for BATUS. Led by the highly industrious Cpl Bull (Trg NCO), the platoon has trained 152 soldiers as Basic Radio Users, and 30 as Infantry Platoon Radio
equipment and platforms well after we had deployed onto the training area.
The platoon worked hard to support the Commanding Of cer’s intent and facilitate communications across the BG area of operations, an area which often spanned up to 60km. Of particular note
When one adds in
It was from this start point that the platoon was to deploy to BATUS and facilitate Command and Control across the BG
were the performances of Ptes Bott, Davies and Edmunds who all demonstrated both excellent technical competences and an industrious work ethic. Ptes Clayton, Richards and Bott should also be commended for surviving 30 days within the nest of
the usual conceptual
development and
training serials for
BGHQ, very little
white space remained
available for internal
training within the
platoon. It was from
this start point that
the platoon was to deploy to BATUS and facilitate Command and Control across the BG. A less than functional vehicle  eet ensured, like the rest of the Battle Group, that we had to hit the ground running and ultimately forced us to conduct a Proving and Con rmation Exercise (PACEX) with whatever vehicles had power. Ultimately the BG was still providing communications
the Adjutant’s personal administration, colloquially referred to as “Adj-min”.
The last twelve months have been dif cult, but they have been crowned with a sterling performance, as noted by the BATUS Yeoman of Signals (YoS); “the best communications planning and execution I have seen from 5 Battle Groups.”
Catering Platoon WO2 (SQMS) Rayna Docherty RCWO
With the Catering Platoon being re-assigned from 1 Royal Anglian to 1 MERCIAN in
the summer of 2014, it has seen a hectic pace of life for the catering connoisseurs of 1 MERCIAN.
Within the  rst few weeks of the battalion forming, a small team of chefs was sent out to Belgium to support
the 100th Anniversary
and company functions, as well as Brigade and Div level Christmas cake competitions. Here Cpl Hamilton Rai won second place in the Senior Class.
After leave we were straight back in to it, with Sgt Guthrie and a small team deploying to Bavaria to cater for Ex Allied Spirit, which
strongest man contest; not bad for a Chef in an infantry battalion. We also managed to persuade Cpl Hamilton Rai to go on a rock climbing course, which was quite an achievement with her fear of heights.
We have had quite a few new faces into the platoon in the last few months and these include LCpl Lauran Walker, LCpl Boating and Pte Barnett. We have also had a change at the top, with WO2 Roger Hart replaced by WO2 Rayna Docherty.
Other farewells from the Catering platoon are Pte Priscilla Quansah who got her dream job of transferring to the AGC and LCpl Thomas Shepherdson. We also bid farewells to LCpl Fi Austin Strachan on promotion to Cpl, and Cpl Manny Hove. The catering platoon would also like to congratulate LCpl Sandra Mendy on the birth of her baby girl Ndella.
of the Battle of Mons. Following on from that the platoon was rolling in to the functions
Exercise season has contented for most of the year so far.
wasn’t quite the jolly
we were hoping for! Exercise season has contented for most of the year so far. This was good build up training for the Cast Ex in June which con rmed all of our low level training
for the formation of
the Battalion, which
included a fun day and
then a joint of cers and Sgts Mess function.
and was a good teaching exercise for the junior members of the platoon.
However it wasn’t all work, with Sgt Thompson claiming victory in the battalion
With Christmas coming up, we knew we would be getting smashed with commitments for all of the mess functions

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