Page 45 - Mercian 2015
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The 1 MERCIAN volleyball team has had a successful year. The  rst part of the season was spent with a lot of enthusiastic players coming down to the gym on Wednesday afternoons to enjoy a few friendlies amongst the soldiers in the battalion, while giving those who were hoping to make it into the 1st team an opportunity to hone their skills.
The  rst competitive tournament was the 1 Brigade Championships held in Bulford gym. 1 MERCIAN entered a team alongside the rest of the 1st team. 1 MERCIAN put in a very strong performance throughout the tournament and went on to win the whole competition without even losing a game. The hard work that the squad had put in throughout their training really paid off, and the team never really felt too challenged in any of their matches.
Off the back of the success of the
1 Brigade Championships, our 1st
team were eligible to enter the Army Championships. The squad returned early from Easter leave to get in a few extra days training before travelling to Aldershot for the championships. The team played well in the group stages, but came up against strong teams from 36 (Gurkha) Engineer Regiment and the Welsh Guards, and unluckily did not make it through to the quarter  nals.
Bath Rugby Superstars
Soldiers from 1 MERCIAN were crowned champions of the 2015 Bath Foundations Superstars Competition in January, despite competing against teams including Olympians, World Cup and Heineken Cup winners.
The battalion entered two teams on Saturday 24th January, a four man and a three man, with each to be boosted with a “Superstar”. With sporting superstars including Olympian Heather Fell, Women’s Rugby World Cup winner Sarah Hunter MBE, and rugby legends Andy Beattie, Danny Grewcock and Budge Pountney taking part, competition was  erce throughout. 14 other teams including the 2014 champions entered the event.
Each team had to complete a 3000m team row, 500m individual row, 20 meter sprint, three minutes hand release press- ups, passing target, plank, basketball hoops, bleep test, cruxi x tyre hold, tyre pull, and a 1000m cycle.
Team one, “Stand Firm” consisted of Lieutenant Stewart, Lieutenant Courtney, Private Wood, Sergeant Keane and Charlie Ewels our Bath Rugby superstar. The second team was formed of Lieutenant Stewart, Private Gilliver, Private Braine and Private Dulukobau, with the assistance of England’s World Cup winning rugby star Sarah Hunter. Stand out performances
include Lieutenant Courtney’s 1000m cycle in 1 minute 7 seconds, Private Woods 20 meter sprint, Lieutenant Stewart’s 500m best effort row, and Sergeant Keanes truly outstanding seven minute plank!
The event was incredibly hard fought
to the end, and it was only a matter of seconds and points that crowned The “Stand Firm” team champions of the 2014 Bath Foundations Superstars.
The Superstars event brings together local businesses and sporting superstars, with the aim of raising funds for Bath Rugby Foundation. Bath Rugby Foundation is a  nancially independent charity. The Foundation strives to motivate, raise self- esteem, increase con dence and improve life skills, by imparting the values found in
rugby - camaraderie, loyalty, discipline and respect.
With such a strong performance by both teams along with continued sponsorship being raised by the battalion’s rugby team to the Bath foundation, they have been invited back next year to attempt to retain their honour!

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