Page 35 - ALG Issue 1 2020
P. 35

   Richard’s top tips on introducing arable plants into your allotment:
• Makespaceforafewwildweeds–onour allotment we weed out the problem stuff,
like bindweed and sow-thistle, but always leave a few of the others like field pansies, fumitories, small toadflax, red dead-nettle (loved by bumblebees) to flower and set seed. So, when you dig the ground, leave some weed seedlings to grow on and see what you’ve got.
• Seedsgerminatemorereadilyifsowninpots or seed trays, where the environment can be controlled more effectively – sowing direct into a seed bed also works, but fewer seeds germinate.
• We’vehadgreatsuccessusingarough50:50 mix of topsoil (from a garden centre) and peat- free compost which gives the planting medium a fine texture while still incorporating a good deal of organic matter.
• Whereseedsweresowndirectlyintoabed, the bed was dug over, and the surface broken down to a fairly fine tilth. Seeds were scattered thinly, and then the ground was lightly raked over to cover the seeds, and very gently firmed down to improve the contact between soil and seed.
For more information visit www.naturebftb.
           There are many ways to get involved yourself as a volunteer with this project; an arable seed swap is starting in spring 2020 – an opportunity to swap arable plant seeds with others and monitor their progress by sharing observations and tips on social media. But why not check what you’ve got in the soil seed bank already? Choose a suitable spot, dig the ground over and leave it for a season. You can share pictures and experience of what comes
But why not check what you’ve got in the soil seed bank already?
up using #arableallotments; you may be surprised by the results! Please email colourinthemargins@plantlife. or join the ‘Arable Seed Swap’ on Facebook. There are details on how to store and sow arable plant seeds as well as lots of information about the species available to download at
Allotment and Leisure Gardener 35

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