Page 46 - QARANC Vol 19 No 1 2021
P. 46
44 The Gazette QARANC Association
Jurassic Coast Branch
Chair: Marjorie Bandy Secretary: Pat McKay
It has been a busy time for the branch with weekly Saturday Zoom meetings continuing, hosted by Kay Foster and Merrill Bate. Some have been presentations on a variety of topics from VJ Day, Army Nursing and cricket to name just a few. We have had a guest speaker, Chantelle Baker telling us about the Exeter Nightingale Hospital which was very interesting, and very humbling. Non-members are welcome to most but not all meetings, depending on content.
In November a very entertaining zoom Murder Mystery evening was attended by 43 people. It was written by Wendy H Jones and performed by volunteer members and some husbands and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Those playing parts were given their roles along with questions to ask and clues beforehand and had to act in certain ways and add the clues into the conversation. All this whilst having a three course meal; we had all been given the same menu to follow. The murderer was Merrill Bate. Everyone had a lot of fun and some even revealed what they were wearing on
Captain Cath Pounder piping in the haggis at the branch virtual Burns’ Night
their lower half! We even managed to have a raffle.
We have set up our own QARANC Jurassic Coast Facebook page which has been popular and Jan Westbury and Wendy H Jones have set up a blog, QA Reminiscences - Regular, Reserve, Retired, to capture a living history:- search http:// You may not think you have done anything extraordinary - you have; everyone has a story to tell if they have been in the QARANC.
On 23 January we held a very enjoyable Burns night three course
supper via Zoom. This was celebrated jointly by the Jurassic Coast and Scottish branches with 60 people attending, including husbands and friends. Again we were all given the same menu to follow. The various sections required were shared out, some being done by Jurassic Coast members and some by Scottish Branch members. Marjorie Bandy and Pat McKay kept the evening running smoothly and Merrill Bate and Kay Foster acted as hosts. We had a piper, Catherine Pounder, who has the QARANC badge embroidered on her bagpipes. All the elements came together to make a very memorable evening, with lots of friends reunited. We finished off the evening by linking hands virtually and singing Auld Lang Syne.
Marjorie Bandy has continued to make facemasks. Gifts of hampers, pamper sets or flowers have been sent to those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic or in need in some other way, and have been gratefully received. Members have expressed that the Zoom meetings have provided them with much needed contact during these difficult times. Newsletters and phone calls keep other members in touch.
There are plans for a garden party when we are all able to meet face to face once again.
Sue Shrimpton
Public Relations Member