Page 2 - Simply Vegetables Winter 2021/22
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Essex has been the centre of English seed production for many centuries. Its climate and rainfall are ideal
for raising plants and taking them through the growing cycle to obtain the highest quality of seed. Kings have been following that process
for over a hundred years. On our farm of some 300 acres, we have been selecting and maintaining seed stocks longer than most. We are now unique in that Kings is the last surviving wholesale horticultural seed merchant in the country.
We supply seed to commercial growers of flowers and vegetables, wholesale to large users of seed and to the home gardener through our seed packets. Whichever type of customer Kings are supplying they all have one thing in common; they all receive the same fine quality seed.
There have been many changes over the hundred years of our company’s existence and there will be many more in the next hundred, but quality of
the highest standard is one thing that has never changed at Kings and never
will in the future. Kings Seeds won “GOLD” in all nominated categories at the “Great British Growing Awards 2020”!
Kings Seeds generously offer all our NVS members a 10% discount off your seed orders, just quote the code “NVS10” when you place your order.
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